Free I Spy CVC Short Vowel Words
I love fun creative ways to work on learning CVC Word Family Words. I know that I keep coming up with fun ways to do it and it is loads of fun.
Today’s I-Spy CVC Short Vowel Words is another great way to work on sounds out letters and vowel sounds by finding the matching CVC picture.
You can read the CVC words and find the picture that matches the CVC on the page. These work on short vowel a, short vowel e, short vowel i, short vowel o, and short vowel u.

The I Spy CVC Short Vowel Words is a great addition to the CVC printables and subscriber freebies on the site.
The CVC I Spy Short Vowel Words is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there.
What is a CVC Word?
A CVC word is a consonant vowel consonant word. They are words like cat, pan, hen, pig, dog, and nut.
They are words that you can sound out each letter and then blend the letter sounds to make the word.
These words are some of the first words that kids learn to sound out. Each learning system has a way of teaching them.
BOB Books are great examples of building word sounds.
I Spy CVC Short Vowel Words
Each i-spy CVC short vowel worksheet has 8 words for them to find. And all the pictures on the page also match the same short vowel sound.
They work on short vowel a, short vowel e, short vowel i, short vowel o, and short vowel u. And they are great for kids in kindergarten (ages 5 to 6) and first grade (ages 6 to 7).

Things to use with the I Spy CVC Short Vowel Words
I always get asked what we used with the printables. So I have a list here of all the items from the post and mentioned.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- copy paper
- crayons
- colored pencils
- dot marker or bingo daubers
- sheet protectors
- dry erase markers
- clear glass gems
- clear counters
- mini erasers
- CVC Word Family Wall Cards
Ways to use the I Spy CVC Word Family Printable
You are going to see a few ways ot use the I spy CVC Printables for kids.
Read the CVC Word List and Find Color the Pictures
You can start off by reading the CVC words list on the side. Kids can sound out the words. Then you can color the images on the page and check them off. It is super simple and easy to do. Kids do it any way they want.
You can see the I Spy CVC short a below.

Dot Marker the CVC Pictures
Dot markers are always a great way to color the CVC words you are looking for. It works fine motor skills and less coloring for the kids that don’t like to color.
You can also check out these CVC word worksheets that would be great with the CVC I spy.
You can see the I Spy CVC short i below.

Reuse the Free CVC I Spy Worksheets
If you want to reuse the page then you can put the worksheet in a sheet protectors or laminate and have them circle the pictures with dry erase marker and check off the words.
You can see the I Spy CVC short u below.

You can make this a season fun with erasers for the different seasons to cover the word. This is a great way to reuse the sheet. You can also use clear glass gems for the covering.
You can see the I Spy CVC short o below.

Find Pictures that Rhyme With a Word from the CVC List
You can also find pictures that rhyme with the words on the list. You can use clear counters to cover the word and a picture that rhymes with the word. So you find bib and it rhymes with rib.
You can see the I Spy CVC short i below.

Use CVC Wall cards with the CVC I Spy Printables
If the kids are up to a challenge, give them a copy of the CVC Wall Cards. You can give them all the sort vowel words like I did with the Short A page. Then clear glass gems. They can cover the pictures as they find them.
You can see the I Spy CVC short a below.

There are just a few of the ways to use this printable. Plus you can be creative with all the fun images!
More CVC Short Vowel I Spy Printables
If you are looking for more CVC short vowel I spy printables you can check out the CVC Word Family I Spy Picture & Words Selling Set. It has more I spy for each vowel and a simple and clean layout to use with kids. It has 40 pages of printables. You have I Spy by vowel sound and mixed vowel sound.

What you will find in the Free I Spy CVC Short Vowel Words
- 1 page for each vowel sound: a, e, i, o, u
- Several Pictures for each page with a list of 8 CVC words to find
- No-prep CVC printable worksheets
- 5 pages

CVC Word Family I Spy Short Vowel Selling Set
Easy to use CVC I Spy printables with 7 words to find on each page in 12 pictures in a simple and easy layout for kids to use. You can read the words and find the matching pictures.

What you will find in the CVC Word Famiy I Spy Short Vowel Selling Set
- 7 CVC words to find and color
- 5 Short A pages
- 5 Short E pages
- 5 Short I pages
- 5 Short O pages
- 5 Short U pages
- 10 Mixed CVC pages
- Bonus Free pages from the site
- 40 pages of printables
- Price: $3.50
Check out these other CVC word Family Printables
CVC Word Family Wall Cards has 20 CVC word family endings for kids to see the different words. You have CVC words list for each word ending in the set.
CVC Short A Small Folding Books has the following short a endings: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -at. Each book has three words with tracing reading and coloring.
CVC Word Family Picture Bookmarks has a picture of the words with color, tracing the word and write the beginning sounds of the words.
CVC Word Family Paths By Word Family has two types of paths with tracing the words and reading the word options. Both are easy no-prep CVC worksheets.
CVC Word Family Playdough Mats has a great collection of mats to use to build words. You have a mat with the CVC endings for kids to build the beginning sounds on each CVC word.
CVC Word Family Write the Words No-Prep Worksheet is an easy CVC word writing printable for kids to figure out the different CVC words.
CVC Word Family Bookmarks has 20 word family bookmarks for kids to learn with. They have up to 8 CVC words on each bookmark.
Cassie –
Please help me with send me free printables worksheets
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I am having the same issue. I got a confirmation for the newsletter but haven’t received a password.
If you use Gmail for the newsletter please make sure you check out the promotions tab and spam. A lot of the emails first go there. I did check and the email you used here is a gmail and the email was sent out with the password. But the email has not been opened.
What email address is it coming from? I got the email to confirm the subscription, but nothing after that.
It comes from Cassie @ Please check your spam fold and promotions fold for the email. You can read more about suggestions for the newsletter here:
i spy CVC wprd worksheet free How i can down load please
Hi. the CVC short vowel I spy printable is a part of the subscriber library. So you can only get the cvc I spy printables bysubscribing to the newsletter to get the password and then downloading them in the subscriber area.
You can subscribe to the newsletter here:
After you confirm your subscription, there is an email with the password sent to you. You can then use the password to get to the subscriber area.
I hope that helps. There are also links in this email that show where you can subscribe. The subscriber area is in the same place where you sign up for the newsletter.