Hands-on Ice Cream Cone Telling Time Matching
You can have fun learning to telling time hourly with these fun ice cream cones.
The free Ice Cream Cone Telling Time Matching is a great way to work on telling time hourly for kids. You can match time three ways and have fun.
The telling time matching cards are a great kindergarten math printable for kids
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This is a fun addition to the summer printables and telling time printables on the site.
What is telling time?
Telling time is the ability to read a clock. That means telling time with words, clock hands, or digital clock.
That means learning that 1 o’clock is also 1:00 and then being able to tell 1:00 on the hands on a clock.
This printable works on matching the three different types of clocks together. It is great math printable for kindergarten and can be used for review on hourly time in first grade.
You are going to find cones with the telling time words on them.

You are going to find scoops that match the telling time cones with digital clocks and analog clocks. These work the best printing on cardstock. And if you plan on using them a lot then laminate the cards.

You will also find a telling time help mat that you can use with the ice cream cone telling time matching cards. I recommend printing on cardstock and lamenting the help mat so that it can be used over and over.

You will also find a recording sheet for all 12 of the clocks. This is so you can record your telling time if you use it as a center.

Things to use with the Telling Time Ice Cream Cone Matching Printable
- printer
- white cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- sheet protectors
- dry erase markers
- playdough
- 1 inch ring
- Hourly Telling Time Bookmarks
Ways to Use the Telling Time Ice Cream Cone Matching Printable
You will find that these telling time ice cream cones matching cards are really fun to use. There are so many ways to use them. And I love flexible printables.
Setting up the Telling Time Center
This is one of the ways you can set up the learning center. You have the ice cream scoop cards mixed up and the cones below. Then they just match the cards.

Using telling Time Bookmarks with Cards
Now if this is the first time they are doing the matching you might want to use the telling time bookmarks. They are great for matching sure you have matched the cone correctly. You can also use them as a way for kids to check their matches.

Matching Digital Clock Only
You can also match the cone to the digital clock only. It is fun to have many ways to use the matching cards.

Matching Analog Clocks
Now with there being three parts to the matching, you can match the cone to just the analog clocks.

Using the Ice Cream Cone Telling Time Mat with the Matching Cards
The matching telling time mat for the ice cream cones is loads of fun for kids to use. It gives them a chance to build the hands on the clock and write the digital time. It adds another element to learning to tell time.
You can see we put the telling time mat in a sheet protector but if you plan on using it a lot I recommend laminating
the page.

Using the Recording Sheet with the Telling Time Matching Cards
There is also a fun recording sheet for kids to use. You can put all the ice cream cards on rings and have them flip through the cards to find the correct match and then record it on the worksheet.

What you will find in the Free Telling Time Ice Cream Cone Matching
- Telling time matching Cards for hourly time
- Scoops with digital clock and analog clock
- Cones with time written out
- Ice cream telling time mat
- Recording sheet for telling time matching for all 12 clocks
- 7 pages
Check out these other Telling time Printables
Hourly Telling Time Bookmarks are great for helping kids work on hourly time.
Hourly Telling Time Easy Reader Book is a great easy reader book for working on time with two options.
Telling Time Mats is a help fun mat for telling time.
Check out all the fun Telling Time Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com