July Poppins Book Nook: Composers
This is a theme that is fun at our house. We have a lot of different types of classical music. I worked for a company that sold classical music and did data entry for them. I learned a lot about composers and different types of music. My girls listen to lots of classical music and music soundtracks in the car. This is fun and something we all enjoy. There are so many composers we can learn about.
While looking for books I found several by Anna Harwell Celenza that I really liked. It is stories about one piece from composer and the music to listen to. They are a great way to introduce the topic.
I do also like that you can find books about the composers life like Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?. These are great for older kids to introduce them with more details about the composers life.
There are so many different types of composers around the world. You can learn about so many different variations of music. We lucked out that my girls have a grandfather (my father-in-law) that composes music. I am looking forward to them learning more about it. This is going to be a great theme and I’m sure there are going to be many wonderful ideas!
Check out some of the books we will be checking out for the Composer Theme:
If you’re interested in joining this month’s Poppin Nook Book club, here’s what you need to do…
- Comment below and let us know that you are joining in!
- Pick your favorite Composers Books (or a new one you want to check out) and read it with your child or class.
- Create an activity, project, craft, cooking project, etc. related to the book and do it.

Here all the themes and the dates for this year Poppins Book Nook:
March: Weather – Introduction – Free Weather Pack
April 27th: Farms – Introduction – Free Roll a Farm Printable!
May 25th: Caldecott Medal Books – Introduction – Easy Craft: Yarn Pictures
June 29th: Forest/Woods – Introduction – Wildlife Sorting: Diurnal, Nocturnal & Crepuscular
July 27th: Composers
August 31: Books that Were made into Movies
September 28th: Newberry Medal Winners
October 26th: Artists
November 30th: Feast Around the World
January 25th: Countries Around the World
February 29th: Ponds, Lakes & Rivers
What is your Composers book?
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
Wow this is a great list of books! Thanks for sharing, I’m excited to check some of these out at the library with my kids! 🙂
~Bethany @Math Geek Mama
A lot of these are new to me. Can’t wait to check them out!