June Poppins Book Nook: Forest & Woodland
Forest and woodland theme is a favorite around here. There are so many great books out about these themes. There are so many wide ranges of books you can read as well. Each month it is fun to find those theme books and see which ones my girls will be picking for us to do the activity.
One part I like about this theme is that forest and woodlands have similar and yet slightly different animals across the world. There are several different types of bears, but you can read and bear book and kids understand it.
Over 3 years ago I put out two packs that match up with this theme: Woodland Pack and the Bear Snores On Pack. Both go great with this theme. Bear Snores On is a great book and loads of books in that series as well. Another book we really like is I Want My Hat Back
. I love all the animals he sees in the book. We also loved the book Earl the Squirrel
. There are just so many fun books to pick from!
I will say that one book we picked up last year was Whose Tracks Are These? A Clue Book of Familiar Forest Animals and we love it. This would be a great book for looking for tracks.
Check out these great Forest and Woodland books:

Here all the themes and the dates for this year Poppins Book Nook:
March: Weather – Introduction – Free Weather Pack
April 27th: Farms – Introduction – Free Roll a Farm Printable!
May 25th: Caldecott Medal Books – Introduction – Easy Craft: Yarn Pictures
June 29th: Forest/Woods
July 27th: Composers
August 31: Books that Were made into Movies
September 28th: Newberry Medal Winners
October 26th: Artists
November 30th: Feast Around the World
January 25th: Countries Around the World
February 29th: Ponds, Lakes & Rivers
What is your Forest & Woodland book?
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
Great book list! Thanks for linking up at the Thoughtful Spot!