King of the Wild Things Crown – Easy to Make Craft
We had a had time picking a book for this month’s book club. The girls and I read and watched several of the movies. We love the book Where the Wild Things Are and it was a fun movie and a fun book!
We finally picked Where the Wild Things Are for the Books that Where made Into Movies.
This month’s craft was easy to make.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
My girls always pick out favorite parts of the book when we read it. They loved that he got a crown. So we made some fun crowns for my girls to wear.
What you need for the King of the Wild Things Crown Craft
paper plate,
glitter glue
oil pastel sticks

How we made the King of the Wild Things Crown Craft
The first thing that I did was cut the paper plate. I folding the plate slightly in half so that I could make a cut in the center. Then I opened the plate and did a cut across vertical to the first cut. I then finished the first cut to have 4 points in the center. I then cut those four into half to make 8 triangle shapes. I folded the triangle shapes up so you can see in the picture above.

They each decorated their crowns how they wanted. The points were folded back into the center and they worked on how they wanted their crown to look. They used different types of items to make their crown theirs. I will say that lots of glitter glut in big spots does take days to dry.

Here is a look at one of our crowns.
Also, be sure to check put the fun gross motor ideas for Where the Wilde Things Are!
Here are some other recent books activities we have done
- Brown Bear, Brown Bear Gross Motor Ideas
- Exploring Music Notes & Composers
- Color Freight Train
- Wildlife Sorting: Diurnal, Nocturnal & Crepuscular
Cassie –
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