Making Constellations
Learning about stars and planets is always a lot of fun. It is fun to learn about space and the things that are out there. For the Poppins Book Nook, we did some study of the stars. There are many different starts and things we can learn about them. There so many different parts of space that you can learn about. Even with the stars, you have many different ways to learn. We mainly went with constellations that we learned about.
Our activity was fun and full of fine motor and painting. It is great to be creative about what we are learning. After you read my post be sure to check out all the other Poppins Book Nook posts!
We two books about starts in this. The first is which Stars! Stars! Stars!. This is a great book for learning some fun things about stars and planets. There are also some suggestions of things to do in the book as well. The second book was Zoo in the Sky: A Book of Animal Constellations
. This is a book about the animal constellations. My girls loved reading the stories about each constellation. It made learning fun. There is another books by the same author that we will be checking out soon called Once Upon a Starry Night: A Book of Constellations
What you need: black paint watered down, white crayon (make sure they are NOT washable), and paper.

We started by putting our circles on the paper. They each picked their own patterns and ideas of what they wanted to make. The stars were all different sizes and shapes. Be sure the crayon you are using not washable or the crayon washes off in the next step.

The next step was putting our foam brushes in the watered down black paint and painting our papers. You could see the stars start to pop off the page as we got going.

Here is a look at our constellations:

Be sure to check out all the books that we checked out with this months Beyond Our Planet theme!

Here are some of the books we check checked out this month!
Don’t forget about the Free Space Pack and Planets Calendar that work wonderful with this months theme.
Cassie –
Oh what a cool craft/science activity!
Astronomy is favorite study of ours at home. We would so love to win this!!!
Kids will love the magical stars shining through their night sky! Thanks for linking up with Mom’s Library, I’ll be featuring you this week at Crystal’s Tiny Treasures.
My favorite planet is Earth! 🙂