Free Matching Heart Fractions That Are Equivalent
Math is one subject that people are always looking for activities to do with. I know that it is something I’m always trying to help my girls with.
Fractions are something you start working on at different ages. Recently my 5th grader was working on them and learning to simplify fractions and learning that different numbers can have the same fraction size. She wanted something fun to review the idea with.
The Matching Heart Fractions That Are Equivalent printable is a part of the 7 Days of Valentines Printables.
The Matching Heart Fractions That Are Equivalent is a great addition to the Valentine Printables and fraction prinables on the site.
We have been working on reducing fractions so that they are at their most simple. This is not always an easy task to work on. You have loads of steps to figure things out.
There are so many different ways to do this. I know that at times my girls love hands-on activities for math. I love to create that for them when I can.
Each of the fractions has a simple fraction and one that matches that needs to be reduced. Below you can see an example.

I put the fractions on two different sides. One side has the simple fractions, and the other side has the fractions that could be simplified. I started out with just 1 page of hearts at a time.
I recommend laminating the cards if you plan to use them a lot. It makes them last longer.

When starting out my fifth grader did it on her own and then told me why each fraction worked. She would tell me the factors of each number that would reduce the make it a simplified fraction.
I also did this with my third grader and she would tell me the numbers used the multiply to make the numbers the same.

What you will find in the Free Matching Heart Fractions That Are Equivalent Printables:
- Valentines Heart Matching Fractions
- 6 hearts on each page
- 2 fractions on each hard that are the same size
- 4 pages of printables
You can check out all the 7 Days of Valentines Printables here.
Check out all the fun Valentines Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –
Graphics purchased from Scrapping Doodles
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