Minute Man National Historic Park Trip Review
Name: Minute Man National Historic Park
Location: Lexington & Concord, Massachusetts
Website: http://www.nps.gov/mima/index.htm
Length of stay: 3 hours
Minute Man National Historic Park is a on part of the battle road between Lexington and Concord. You can see clothes from the era and learn about the history that happened there.

We started our trip in the Lexington Museum. The girls loved to look at the pictures of the people from that era. We saw the lanterns from the era that they would have used at the Old North Church. We watched the 30 minute video about Paul Revere’s ride and everything that happened. The girls really liked it. We walked out to the trails right around the museum and saw an example of a salt house.

We stopped at the spot where Paul Revere was captured.

Hartwell Tavern was a great stop for the girls. We saw a sleeping room, the tavern, cooking room and waiting room. Each room Rose and Amelia asked questions about something and a guide answered them. They learned a lot about that time.

We saw a presentation where we learned more about the minute man and had a live musket demonstration.

The girls got to walk down and see the North Bridge in Concord. They loved see the water under the bridge. They also saw the Minute Man statue. Rose pointed to the musket that he carried.

At the North Bridge Museum we looked at a layout of the area and pushed the buttons that told us where everything happened. We also saw a canon.

At the Lexington Museum we picked up the Junior Ranger Packets. This is something they could complete all through our trip. Rose and Amelia finished theirs. Mary had fun drawing on hers. It gave them something to look for while on the trip. The girls could answer questions about the trip as well. They had a bingo chart, connect the dots, and more. They finished the packet and got Junior Ranger Badges at the North Bridge Museum. They proudly displayed their badges after that.

This was a great learning experience about history for the girls.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
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