
Model Magic Penguin

We have been studying penguins at our house. It has been tons of fun. There are so many great books to read about penguins. We did this fun project as a part of our learning about penguins.

Easy to set up activities are favorites at our house. You can make your own model magic penguin in no time!

Model Magic Penguin - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

We have been reading the book Penguins! by Gail Gibbons. I love all her learning books. This is easy for my girls to read over and understand. Plus you learn about a lot of the penguins.

What you need for the Penguin Model Magic Craft

Model Magic Penguin - 3Dinosaurs.com

How to make the Model Magic Penguin

This was the first craft that I modeled how to do it and let them make what they wanted so that each would have their own project how they wanted it. They each started with the body and head of their penguin. Then they added on the arms.

Model Magic Penguin - 3Dinosaurs.com

The next step was adding bill and feet. Everyone had their own ideas of how the feet and bill should look.

Model Magic Penguin - 3Dinosaurs.com

Then they put on the white tummies and eyes of the penguins. Each had their own idea of what it should look like. That is what it is best about these activities. You can be unique and do what you want.

Model Magic Penguin - 3Dinosaurs.com

Here is a look at all four of our penguins.

Model Magic Penguin - 3Dinosaurs.com

Do you have a favorite penguin book?

Here are some other Penguin Activities & Printables:

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. The penguins turned out great! This craft will be a fantastic accompaniment to all of our penguin studies!

    Thank you for stopping by the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop this week. We hope to see you drop by our neck of the woods next week!

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