Monthly Goals January 2016 Plus Monthly Cleaning Chart Printable
Where did the last year go? I think I blinked and the new year was here! I’m really looking forward to 2016. 2015 was a very hard year for me. I’m was physically unwell and struggles with different things at home. I can say that having my monthly goals helped me take a step towards keeping me going. I always had something to work on even if it was small.
I really have started to love my goals. I can check them off and work on each of them as I go. They are much easier for me than big yearly goals would be. I thought at the start of this year I would talk about some of the fun things that I’ve learned over the last year.
Plus something new for this year is a Monthly Cleaning Chart Printable. You can see more details about this below.
Looking Back Over 2015
I really love using my Monthly Goal Printables this last year. It helped give me something I could mark off. I put a goal that I repeated each month in a sheet protector to help me out. I wrote the goals down and then marked them off with a dry erase marker each month. It still allowed me to complete the goals and keep track. It is always great to check off something that is done. I have found that it works great for me and my girls.
I got a lot done in the last year. I can honestly say that I had considered stopping blogging last year because of health and other problems. It is great to look at 2016 with new eyes of hope and so many fun things to look forward to. It is also nice to say that my health is finally coming back to me. I can go and do more and it makes a difference.
The blog grew last year in so many different ways. I can see some projects that I started not finished but I did love to work on them. I have many projects that I would love to finish up over the next few months and get out. I sold more this last year than before. I see this being a trend to happen more. It helps cover costs and allows me to stay home with my girls.
I can say a lot of my personal goals did not get done last year, but I did work hard on them. I will be keeping those goals up over the next year as well. One step at a time gets me to where I’ll be going.
Moving Forward With 2016
Over the last few years, we have come up with a family motto to have. We have had: “See a Need, Do a Need”. I think we will keep this up. See a need goes beyond just seeing our own needs and is about helping others.
This is about seeing a toy on the floor and picking it up. Or just helping out when you can. We will go forward with this motto for this year as well. I hope to make a printable to hang on the wall in our house as well.
Do you do family mottos?

Each month I have 3 different areas that I work on: Blog, Family, and Personal. I have made small and big goals in each area. There are always goals that repeat for the different months, but I always post them because I look at this post over the month to remind myself what I’m working on. There are some goals that might cover more than one area. I will post them for what fits best.
Blog Goals
There are so many things happening with the blog, that I hope that I can keep track of it all. Last year I made a move to a new server and it has been wonderful since then. It had a few ups and down. last month I really took it easy and did not worry about a post every day. It was a lot better for my mental health. There is alway so much to work on. I’m always making printables and blog posts. I see that a few changes might happen but we shall see how then go when I get to them. I did really enjoy not stressing about trying to make everyone happy. I just can’t do everything everyone wants. I have taken on a few commission projects and those will be going up for sale. I have some I did in the past that I’ll be blogging about soon.
- Get ahead on my blog posts at least 3 or 4 days
- Use the Blog planner I bought – Look for planner that allows for 2 posts a day
- Get the Romping & Roaring Color Word Packs out (January 13th is the goal!)
- Work harder on the next BIG Selling set for March
- Get a Newsletter started – add subscribers to the list to start
- Finish 3 smaller selling products for the month
- Don’t buy any new craft supplies until April – I did this last year and we had TONS of fun with it. It also made us be creative.
- Clean up my blogging area DAILY. I feel and work better when things are not cluttered. If it takes me 5 minutes to find something it is too messy.
- Update 2 old post each week or update two download pages with links to the blog. (ON GOING)
- Come up with a system to keep track of printables completed but not out. (in progress)
- Keep a better list of projects started but not finished (I have around 25 projects started. I started lots of printables I did not finish this month.)
- Get back into doing more posts of other things we do and not as many printables
- Work on a system for the Selling Printables that will be coming out.
- Star working on a new Logo & Blog Design – this will be a yearlong project
Family Goals
This last month was great for our family. We spent a lot of time together and enjoyed it! We did a lot of projects and crafts that we just totally enjoyed that I did not feel the need to blog about everything we did. It was very fun and relaxed.
- Keep a TO DO LIST! I need this I get more done even if I don’t complete it all
- Declutter one area 15 minutes every day until one area is clean. The areas I’ll be cleaning are kitchen, stairs, my bedroom, the office room (Look for pictures on Instagram
- Have no laundry to fold at the end of the day. Then keep track on my to-do list, so I don’t forget laundry in washer.
- Use Daily, Weekly & Monthly Cleaning Cart (see below for chart)
- Read more to my girls not less
- Find one on one time more with my girls
- Add to the girls chore list and help them learn the chore. (Working on Chore Charts)
- Do a family night once a week
- Work on reading a Long story book to my girls – We are starting with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
Personal Goals
My personal goals took the front in my life last month. I did what I needed to do to take care of me. I also did not put off what I needed to do for my health. I need to be healthy in order for things to happen. Healthy and happy is my goal of the year.
- Daily Fitness – This means fitness comes before ANYTHING else. I have been doing this for two months and making this goal again because it is a good reminder for me.
- Make 10,000 steps EVERY day. I’ll be using a Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Activity Wristband
to help with my tracking.
- Schedule a time out of the house for me twice a month
- Read 5 fun books during the month – Don’t always get new books, enjoy rereading books as well.
- Last year I started reading these books self help and parenting books. This year I’m going to reread a few and post a review of some of them each month.
- Stretch three times a day to avoid problems
- Color in my coloring book
when I get stressed or need a mommy time out
FREE Monthly Cleaning Chart Printable
While I have been using my to do list over the last few years I have noticed that there some cleaning that I do almost daily and others that is not daily cleaning at all. I also noted when I did something once a month vs weekly. To help me out with this I made a printable for it.
There is a section for each type of cleaning: daily, weekly, and monthly. I plan on putting this in a frame and changing it seasonally. I made note of what changed each month during the seasonal changes. I might not do a task in the summer that I do in the winter.
What you will find in these printables:
- 7 pages
- 7 different images to pick from with snowman, snowflakes and mitten themes
- It has lists for Monthly, Weekly and Daily
As always I’m not alone in making monthly goals. There are several other people that are joining in as well. This allows for us to see what everyone is working on and support each other as well. I love reading what other people are doing as well.
Plus as always if you are on Instagram you can link up pictures of your goals so that more people can join in!
Or you can just leave a comment below about what your goals are for the month.
Cassie –
Wow! That’s quite a bit of detail! I have found the 15 minute at a time strategy helpful when the housework careens out of control as well.
Over the last two years, I have found clear goals really help me focus on what I’m doing. I really like them. Plus I keep track of every goal better.
I love your cleaning list printable! Maybe it can help me get my house cleaner year-round.
Thanks! I really have enjoyed having it.
Beautiful cleaning printable!!! I am going to use it and let you know how it worked for us!