Monthly Goals November 2014 with Thanksgiving Menu Printable
I took a lot of relaxing time last month and did not push anything and over do it. I pushed projects back and took a small break from taking on to many things. I said no to a lot of projects I really wanted to do but knew I would not be able to. Some times we have to say no to do better at what we are currently working on. To help with this month I made a Thanksgiving Menu Planner. You can see more about it below!
As always I have been working off and on on these goals. I know that no goal is good without making goals that are well defined. I try each month to make goals that I can do and have steps to them. Each month I have had books that I’ve been reading about goals. I am now re-reading Say Goodbye to Survival Mode: 9 Simple Strategies to Stress Less, Sleep More, and Restore Your Passion for Life. Sometimes we need reminders of good ideas. So Each month I’ll be rereading 2 chapters and putting some of the ideas and suggestions more into play. It will be apart of my life again. I am also going to be reading Sink Reflections
again. I read it years ago before I had kids and now I’ll be putting it back into effect.

Blog Goals
I’ve been so busy I’ve not done as much as I wanted in the background of things happening on the blog. But I am working more towards the goals I want to have. There are some changes coming soon and I’m excited about it. We shall see how they go.
- Limit my time or time my work on things so I don’t over do it – This will be the #1 goal for the month.
- Turn in projects early
- Update and fix 2 old posts or download pages each week
- Get the Romping & Roaring Number Packs Out
- Work on some older age projects for the upcoming seasons
- Keep getting up early 5 days a week and take weekends off for early mornings.
- Get better about Instagram! Yup I joined Instagram.
Family Goals
I’ve been trying to get back to cooking in the morning for the girls but has not happened. I’m going to really work on that. yes they goals are almost the same as the month before but I need to have them as a reminder of why I am trying to do them.
- Have no laundry to fold at the end of the day
- No dishes in the sink (or on the counter, stove etc) at the end of the day
- De-clutter one area every day!
- Spend more time reading as a group with the girls – Reading chapter books at night or another story.
- Make a weekly menu to make shopping and cooking easier for me and if someone else has to take over
- Cook breakfast on school days
Personal Goals
My goal last month was to recover and I did a great job and some of this month will be the same. We shall see what happens in the long run as I pick things up.
- Take time to unwind from stressful days and give myself a time out time if needed
- Read every day
- Listen to one conference talk every day
- 3 Days of fitness for me
Holiday Goals
This month I’m adding in holidays goals. This is always a busy time and I want to relax as much as possible and not stress about the holidays. I’m going to make my gift list soon and get them done before the huge holiday rush. I did this for years and the last few years I have not. It made the holidays so much better. I will do well with my holidays goals.
- Finish my shopping before Thanksgiving and leave only a few things after thanksgiving
- Do a 30 Days of Thanks all month long in November
- Plan a small meal for Thanksgiving
- Buy food early instead of last minute
For those that want something to help with the 30 days of giving thanks check these out:
Thanksgiving Help Printables
With Thanksgiving I wanted to work on my menu so I made this printable to help out. This is my Thanksgiving Menu Planner with a shopping list printables. This is a fun simple planner for helping me plan for my thanksgiving.
What you will find in these Thanksgiving Menu printables:
- Thanksgiving menu with areas: Appetizer, Main Course, Side Dishes, Desert and Beverages.
- Blank Thanksgiving Shopping List
Check out all the Thanksgiving Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
This is also a link! Here are the people that are co-hosting this monthly! So don’t forget to post your goals if you have them!
Mama Smiles – Joyful Parenting – 3 Dinosaurs – Happily Ever Mom – Kids Yoga Stories – Lemon Lime Adventures – Smiling Like Sunshine – The Life of Jennifer Dawn
Cassie –
Love your Thanksgiving Meal Planner form Cassie!
Glad that you like it! I wanted something simple to help me out.
Your goals are great! I have been working on no laundry and dishes every day also, and it makes a big difference! Also on decluttering, although I need to do more there, especially with Christmas coming up (and toy reviews leading up to Christmas on the blog).
I can’t wait to use this Thanksgiving menu planner this year!
I love your printables, this is a great one. Thanks for sharing.
These are great goals – I like that is a mixture of work based and personal stuff too. We can’t all just be about work can we?
Good luck with them and happy November 🙂
We do need personal stuff. If everything is work then it is not any fun at all.
Cute printable! You have some lofty goals, but probably doable by someone who isn’t currently blah at 32 weeks pregnant! So much laziness here right now! I hope you achieve them all!