Moon Landing Gross Motor Dice
The anniversary of the moon landing is coming up and I thought it would be fun to have a gross motor activity to go with it! The space gross motor dice has always been one of our favorites.
So I thought why not have some fun with a moon themed set!
I love the gross motor dice because it is a simple way for kids to do gross motor and have fun. I have made a lot of themes for these now. It allows for mixing them all together!
The set has 6 moon landing themes: rocket, astronaut, flag, footprints, moon, and command module. It is a fun way to tell the story of the moon landing with gross motor.
There are two sites of dice in the printables. We use the cube dice because they allow us to throw the dice around and they don’t hurt much when they fall or hit something. Plus the cards last a lot longer in the dice and we can switch them out and mix up the dice.

The Moon Gross Motor Movements
There are six movements on the dice. And I always make sure to review what the movements are before we use the dice. Some movements they may already know like rocket and astronaut. Others we might have to decide just how to do them.
Astronaut: You pretend to float in space. You lay on your tummy and lift up your arms and legs.
Moon: You walk in the circle in the room.
Rocket: You jump up into the air.
Flag You do a motion of planting the flag using two hands. You can practice doing it in front, to the left and to the right. And easy way to work on cross-body movements.
Footprints: You make big stomping like movements like you want to leave big footprints.
Command Module: You drop down to the ground. You can jump up before you drop down if you want. Just make sure things are out of the way of where they will be dropping to the group.

After you are sure of the movements you can change up the dice a bit. You can add speed & directions and how many times they do the movement. You can get the number dice here.

If you don’t want to mess with the dice you can just have them go through the cards. It is fun to use the cube dice. My girls love throwing them in the air. And I like that the inserts seem the last longer than the foldable dice.

What you will find in the Moon Themed Gross Motor Dice printable
- 6 movements: rocket, astronaut, flag, footprints, moon, and command module
- Dice for different speeds: slow, fast, normal
- Two types: cube dice or make your own die
Check out these other Moon activities:
Check out all the Moon activities and printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Check out all the Space Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs!
Cassie –