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17+ Nativity Printables & Activities For Kids

Christmas is a favorite theme at our house and the Nativity is a huge part of our December. I love the first Christmas story and making things for my kids to use with the Nativity Story.

These Nativity printables and activities are a great way to bring out the meaning of Christmas.

You will find all my Nativity printables and activities on the site. This is to help you have an easier time finding them all! You are going to find nativity printable packs, nativity easy reader books, nativity writing, nativity telling time story and more.

17+ Nativity Printables & Activities - ABCs, numbers, printables and more on 3Dinosaurs.com

The Nativity Printables & Activities are a great addition to the Christmas printables and winter printables on the site.

What is the Nativity?

The Nativity is the birth of Jesus Christ, and is celebrated by Christians on Christmas Day. It has different themes and parts to the Nativity story.

Things to use with the Nativity Printables

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Fun Nativity Books to Read

Nativity Printables & Activities Menu

A jump to the nativity printables and activities you are looking for. These are all the sections you will find below.

Nativity Packs Printables
Nativity Learning to Read Printables
Nativity ABCs Printables
Nativity Number Printables
Other Nativity Printables
Nativity Craft & Activity

Nativity Packs Printables

There are all the Nativity packs you can use with kids. They have a mix of activities and work for tot, preschool, prek and kindergarten.

1. Nativity Pack Printable

15+ Nativity Printables & Activities - ABCs, numbers, printables and more on 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Pack has 60 pages of activities with fun things for kids to learn with. There are 3 part cards, matching and more. This pack is great for tot, preschool and kindergarten.

2. Nativity Pack 2 Printable

Nativity Pack 2 is a fun addition to the original pack. It has some fun reading pages for kids to have. Each page can be used with the others. You can also tell Nativity story with story cards.

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Nativity Learning to Read Printables

All the Nativity learning to read printables with easy reader books, sequencing, writing paper, spelling and more.

3. Nativity Easy Reader Book Printable

Free Nativity Easy Reader Book - 8 different Nativity themed words - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #nativity #christmasprintables #easyreaderbook

Nativity Easy Reader Book is a fun little book to read with the Nativity names in it. It has simple sight words and themes from the nativity in the book.

4. Mini Nativity Sequencing Printable

Free Nativity Sequencing Printable - 4 different pictures to work on the sequencing of the nativity story - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #nativity #christmasprintables #sequencingforkids

Mini Nativity Sequencing Printable is a great way to retell the story of the Nativity with order of event cards, writing page, and sequencing cards clip cards. This is great for kids in kindergarten and first grade.

5. Nativity Word Puzzles Printable

Free Nativity Themed Word Puzzles - 8 different Nativity themed word puzzles - 3Dinosaurs.com #freeprintable #nativity #christmasprintables #writingforkids

Nativity Word Puzzles is a fun spelling activity you can do with the words from the Nativity. This is a great kindergarten nativity word activity for kids.

6. Nativity Centered Christmas Writing Paper Printable

Nativity Centered Christmas Writing Paper has 6 different nativity themes and writing paper styles. You have two paper writing styles with guideline and single lines for the writing paper style.

7. Nativity Bookmarks with Scriptures Printable

Free Nativity Themed Bookmarks - 8 different ones to pick from with matching scriptures - 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Bookmarks with Scriptures has 8 bookmarks for kids to read about the Nativity story. Each bookmarks has the scripture that matches the bookmark.

8. Nativity Thank You Cards Printable

Nativity Themed Thank You Cards are great for writing thank you for kids. They are very cute and easy to use.

9. Nativity Coloring Set Printable

The Nativity Coloring Set has 14 different pictures to color with beginning sounds, color the word and trace the word for all the parts of the nativity story.

10. Nativity Acrostic Poems Printable

Nativity Acrostic Poems has 10 poems for kids to work on. These work great for older kids working on nativity themes. You can write words about each letter of the names. It helps them think about each theme in the nativity story.

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Nativity ABCs Printables

You will find all the ABC printables here.

11. Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive Printable

Free Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive  with 9 nativity words and four options for the coloring - 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Coloring with Word Print & Cursive has some great tracing practice for ABCs in print and cursive. There are several words and options for the letters and words.

Nativity Number Printables

All the number printables will be here for kids.

12. Nativity Number Writing Printables

Nativity Number Writing Printables is a printable that I made for Free Homeschool Deals.

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Other Nativity Printables

There are all the other printables that you can use with kids. A fun collection of activities for kids.

13. Nativity Theme Prewriting Printable

Free Nativity Theme Prewriting Printable - 28 page of prewriting printables with a Nativity theme to them.- 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Prewriting Printable has some fun prewriting activities for kids to do. It has thin dashed prewriting lines and thick dashed prewriting lines for kids to trace. And super easy to use.

14. Nativity Calendar Cards Printable

Nativity Calendar Cards has calendar cards for kids to have a fun Christmas Themed Calendar. You have 31 calendar cards with different pattern cards.

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Nativity Craft & Activity

You will find all the crafts and activities here for kids.

Nativity Sensory Bin

Nativity Sensory Bin For Christmas - a simple sensory bin to explore parts of the nativity with kids. You have nativity figures, rice and stars in this Christmas sensory bin. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Sensory Bin is a fun way to explore the nativity story with figures form the story with sensory play that a lot of kids love.

15. Paper Roll Nativity Craft

Easy to Make Paper Roll Nativity - 3Dinosaurs.com

Paper Roll Nativity is a great way to make your own Nativity scene. You can get the pictures from one of the Nativity packs.

16. Nativity Painting with Cookie Cutters

Nativity Painting with Cookie Cutters is a great nativity activity that you can do with kids. A great nativity scene that kids can make with watercolors, paint, and cookie cutters. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Painting with Cookie Cutters is a great way to focus on the Nativity and make a great painting for kids.

17. Nativity Watercolor Painting for Kids

Nativity Watercolor Painting for kids - a simple way to make a Nativity scene with watercolors and cookies cutters. A great way to work on retelling the nativity story - 3Dinosaurs.com

Nativity Watercolor Painting for Kids is a fun way to make the whole nativity with kids in a fun painting activity using cookie cutters.

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Check out these other Nativity Printables & Activities
JDaniel4’s Mom has a fun How to Draw a Nativity Scene that has step by step guide.

This Reading Mama has a fun Nativity Pattern Blocks and a fun Nativity Pack.

Living Montessori Now has a great Nativity Inspired Activities you can check out.

The Preschool Tool Box has a simple Nativity craft that kids can make.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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