New CVC Word Family Playdough Mats With Tracing: Short A
We are once again getting into the start of learning to read with my youngest. She is totally in love with anything that has a playdough mat with it. She has loved the Dolch Word Family Playdough Mats with tracing. She has been working on her CVC word family words over the last few months.
Since we are still doing the CVC Word Family Words, I thought it would be fun to add these playdough mats with tracing to our learning.
The CVC Word Family Playdough Mats with Tracing are great for literary centers for kids. You get to do playdough and practice writing as well.
I really like the put the pages in a sheet protectors or I laminate
them. The sheet protectors allow me to put them in a 3 ring binder
as we need them. Plus you can reuse the sheets a lot. I keep one set of the word family words in a binder so that she can practice the words on her own while we work on progressing through the words.

Each page has a big word for the playdough mat and two lines for tracing and writing the CVC word family words. Each word is on its own page.

What you will find in the CVC Word Family Short A Playdough with Tracing printables:
- CVC word for playdough mat
- 2 lines for tracing and writing
- CVC word family words -AD: bad, cad, dad, fad, had, lad, mad, pad, rad, sad, tad, wad
- CVC word family words -AG: bag, dag, gag, hag, jag, lag, mag, nag, rag, sag, tag, wag
- CVC word family words -AM: cam, dam, ham, jam, lam, mam, pam, ram, sam, tam, yam
- CVC word family words -AN: ban, can, fan, man, pan, ran, tan, van, wan
- CVC word family words -AP: cap, gap, lap, map, nap, pap, rap, sap, tap, yap, zap
- CVC word family words -AR: bar, car, far, gar, jar, mar, par, tar, war
- CVC word family words -AT: bat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, sat, vat
- CVC word family words -AY: bay, cay, day, fay, gay, hay, jay, lay, may, nay, pay, ray, say, way

Click here to get the -ag CVC Playdough Mats With Tracing
Click here to get the -am CVC Playdough Mats With Tracing
Click here to get the -an CVC Playdough Mats With Tracing
Click here to get the -ap CVC Playdough Mats With Tracing
Click here to get the -ar CVC Playdough Mats With Tracing
Don’t want to wait for all the playdough mats with tracing to come out? You don’t have to. You can buy them all in one download!
You can get them at r Teachers Pay Teachers for just $4.50.

It has the following CVC Word Families: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, -at, -ay, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -oy -ug, -un and -ut.
You can get them at Teachers Pay Teachers for just $4.50.
Check Out These CVC Word Family Printables
- Round up of Free CVC Word Family Playdough Mats
- Free CVC Word Family Ladder Printables
- FREE CVC Word Family Wall Cards
Check out all the fun CVC Word Family Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –