
Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable with Numbers 0 to 20

We kids get older, they are always looking for fun ways to work on number handwriting.

The free number color and trace printable is similar to the ABC Coloring Pages with Tracing.

This is a wonderful transition from preschool to Kindergarten coloring pages. You can color and trace the number and number word. But you can also work on writing the number and number words.

Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable - It has 0 to 20 for the numbers. You have tracing numerical numbers and number words or writing numerical numbers and number words  - 3Dinosaurs.com

What is a Number Coloring & tracing Printable?

A number color and trace printable has items for kids to color that matching number and then can work on handwriting for numbers.

Number Coloring & Tracing Printable

There are two set of these number coloring and tracing printables. These are great for working on numbers from 0 to 20. You can work on number handwriting by tracing the number or writing the numbers.

This means you can start with the first number coloring page with tracing and build-up to the second number coloring and writing.

Number Coloring & Tracing Printable

The first Number Coloring & Tracing Printable has a number to color and objects that count up to that number. They have tracing for both the number and number word.

These are great for kids just out of PreK (ages 4 to 5) and starting kindergarten (ages 5 to 6) for working on tracing numbers.

Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable - It has 0 to 20 for the numbers. You have tracing numerical numbers and number words or writing numerical numbers and number words  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Number Coloring & Writing Printable

The second set has a number to color and objects that count up to that number. This set has one number to trace and the rest to write the number.

The number coloring and writing page is great for kids that are just about done with kindergarten (ages 5 to 6) and headed to first grade (ages 6 to 7) .

Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable - It has 0 to 20 for the numbers. You have tracing numerical numbers and number words or writing numerical numbers and number words  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Be sure to scroll to the end of the post to get your copy of this free number printable.

Things to use with the Number Coloring & Tracing Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Number Coloring & Tracing Printable

You can see a few ways to use the number color and trace printable. You can use any of these ideas for these number worksheets.

Help with Number Handwriting

If you are just starting off with number handwriting and you have someone who struggles with it. You can use a pencil grip for support for kids who need it.

It works great on a pencil and the thin markers as well.

You could also use a beginner pencil with kids just starting kindergarten.

Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable - It has 0 to 20 for the numbers. You have tracing numerical numbers and number words or writing numerical numbers and number words  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Color and Trace the Number Color and Trace

You can always use any of the coloring pencils, crayons or markers to color the pages. And then you can can also use them to trace the numbers.

You can do this with the number writing printable option as well.

Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable - It has 0 to 20 for the numbers. You have tracing numerical numbers and number words or writing numerical numbers and number words  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Reuse Color and Trace the Number Color and Trace

You can also reuse these pages with kids as well. You can put them in a sheet protectors in a binder. Then use dry erase markers to color and trace or color and write.

You can put in all the pages or one page at a time as they learn the numbers.

Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable - It has 0 to 20 for the numbers. You have tracing numerical numbers and number words or writing numerical numbers and number words  - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Number Coloring Page with Tracing Printable:

  • The Number Coloring Page with Tracing has numbers 0 to 20
  • 1 number one each page
  • No-prep number printable worksheet
  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
  • 21 pages of coloring and writing numbers
  • 42 pages total
Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable - It has 0 to 20 for the numbers with two options for tracing numbers and writing numbers - 3Dinosaurs.com

You might also want to check out these great number books to read with the number coloring and tracing pages.

Check out these other Number Printables & Activities

Romping & Roaring Number Packs! has a set of number worksheets for each number from 0 to 20.

Number Sensory Bin is a fun sensory way to explore numbers.

7+ Number Books We Love! are all great for reading about numbers.

Number Coloring Pages has numbers from 1 to 20 with trace the number and color and color the items on the page.

Writing Practice Number Dice is a great for working on numbers from 1 to 24 with tracing and works great a number dice as well.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Graphics from Melonheadz Illustrating and Doodles.

Free Number Coloring & Tracing Printable - It has 0 to 20 for the numbers - 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Hi there! I’ve heard of your blog from a few different friends but visiting for the first time today. Great printables make me giddy – thanks so much for these, my preschooler is going to love them!

    1. I’m glad your preschool will love them. We have been having loads of fun using them at our house! I hope you enjoy the site!

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