No-Prep Community Helpers Weekly Packs
These No-Prep Weekly Packs for Community Helpers is a great way to work on writing and learning about people around your community. Plus a bonus day for Veteran’s Day!
Community Helper has been one of those fun themes that we have just loved over the years. There are so many people to learn about.
You have lots of levels of learning so that kids can have a great time with a mix of math and language in each set!
The no-prep has 4 pages of printables for each day. You will find mix of math and language in each of the sets for the different grade levels.
There are six grade levels: Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.
Plus all the community helpers match up for each day to give kids of different ages something fun to work on together.
PreK Community Helpers Themed Weekly Pack
The PreK Weekly pack work on prewriting, letters, shapes, and numbers in a fun and easy to use activities that build confidence in kids. Plus a Bonus day for Veteran’s Day.
What you will find in the Prek Community Helpers No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- ABCs: F, M, P, D, V
- Community Helpers: Firefighter, mail carrier, police officer, dentist, vet
- Numbers: 17, 17, 19, 20
- Shapes: heart
- Color: blue
- Bonus 6th Day for Veterans Day
- Price $3
Kindergarten Community Helpers Themed Weekly Pack
The Kindergarten Weekly Pack work on sight words, letter sounds, CVC words, numbers, addition, counting, and more. Each day builds confidence for the kids to work on each of the different skills. These printables are great for fall learning and Community Helpers. Plus a bonus Veteran’s Day!

What you will find in the Kindergarten Community Helpers No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Sight Words: can, funny, it, one, two
- Community Helpers: firefighter, mail carrier, police officer, dentist, vet
- Read the Sentences, Lowercase letters, Dot Beginning Sounds
- Math: Subtraction Cross, Measure the Items, Roll & Add, Number Count & Color, Telling Time, Show Ways to Add to 7, Money Matching, Number Words
- Veternans Day: Read the Sentences, Ten Frame Numbers, Veterans Writing, Adding with Poppies
- Price $3
First Grade Community Helpers Themed Weekly Packs
The First Grade packs have a mix of sight words, CVCC words, digraphs, blends, addition, subtraction, place value, counting, graphing, and more. All to help build skills for kids coming into first grade.

What you will find in the First Grade Community Helpers No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Community Helpers: firefighter, mail carrier, police officer, dentist, vet
- CVCC Words: ack, eck, ock, uck
- Sight Words: ask, by, her, old, put
- Matching Picture and Sentences, Roll & Read
- Math: Measure the ladders, Number & Tally markers, Build a Clock, Skip Counting by 10, Subtract the Toothbrushes, Place Value Numbers, Count & Graph Animals
- Veterans Day: Solider, Writing Veteran’s Are, Greater The or Less Than 50, True or False
- Price $3
Second Grade Community Helpers Themed Weekly Pack
The Second Grade pack work on building new skills for second grade. These are an easy way to build confidence in kids learning. Plus you have no-prep and hands-on activities to match together. You will find CVCe words, sight words, place value, reading, addition, subtraction, and more. Plus a Bonus Veteran’s Day!

What you will find in the Second Grade Community Helpers No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- CVCe words: ane, ase, ate, ave
- Sight Words: before, does, off, tell, wish
- Matching Pictures & Word
- Math: Even & Odd, Fill in the Number Between, Math Facts, Place Value, Fill in the Missing Numbers, Skip Counting by 2, Add 7 Subtraction 100, Telling Time, Subtraction
- Veteran’s Day: Acrostic Poem, Community Helper Soldier, Skip Counting by 11, Count & Tally
- Price $3
Third Grade Community Helpers Themed Weekly Pack
The Third Grade weekly pack work on review r-controlled words, cursive, addition, place value, sight words, reading sentences, skip counting, and more. These are made to build confidence in kids learning skills. Plus a Bonus Veteran’s Day.

What you will find in the Third Grade Community Helpers No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Community Helpers: firefighter, mail carrier, police officer, dentist, vet
- Sight Words: cut, got. hot. light, seven
- Long Vowel: AIL or ALE, Contractions
- Math: Multiplication Ladders: 5 6 7, Division Ladders 5 6 7, Rounding Numbers, Word Problems, Number Order, Place Value, Telling Time, Fractions
- Veteran’s Day: Acrostic Poem, Community Helper Soldier, Making Words, Skip Counting By 11
- Price $3
Fourth Grade Community Helpers Themed Weekly Pack
The fourth grade pack is great for fourth-grade level learning. You have cursive words, long vowels, fixing sentences, and more. These are easy to use and are great skill review for kids. Plus there are no-prep to make it easy to just print and use! And you get a Bonus Day for Veteran’s Day!

What you will find in the Fourth Grade Community Helpers No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Community Helpers: firefighter, trash collector, mail carrier, painter, police officer, librarian, dentist, doctor, veterinarian, baker
- ELA: Writing Person & Place
- Math: Measuring Units, Multiply Roll & Cover, Place Value, Subtracting Doubles, What is the angle?, Area & Perimeter, Symmetry with Pictures, Writing Factor Pairs, Multiplication
- Veteran’s Day: Community Writing Soldier, Acrostic Poem, Making Words, Fraction Number Line
- Price $3
Cassie –