Ocean Sensory Bin
We have not been big about doing sensory bins. This week it was different. I was prepared and got everything out. What is in the bin: the bin itself was from the dollar section at Target, cups are from Tupperware, mix of 3 different beans, Safari Ltd Coral Reef Toob, and Safari Ltd Ocean Toob
Amelia and Mary played with the bin for 90 minutes without complaint. They had so much fun. They had fish jumping in and out of beans, swimming through the beans, sleeping and much more. They followed directions in bringing me the fish that I asked for. Each took turns with the cups.

Mary loved to pour beans and fish from one cup to the other. She liked the sound the beans made when they were poured back in the bin.

Amelia had a big grin the whole time she was playing. She loved to put her hands in the bin and shake her fingers through the beans.

Everyone wanted to play with it again after Rose got home from school. They named all the fish again and started playing around in the beans and had a lot of fun.

Check out all the ocean and beach themed activities on 3 Dinosaurs. You will find arts & Crafts and printables.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com