Free Ocean CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing Printable
The summer slide sucks sometimes. One fun way to keep kids learning is this ocean word family writing activity.
The Ocean CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing work on CVC words and CVCC words. Each of them has a word writing page by word family and then sentence rewriting page for kids in kindergarten and first grade.
These are a fun way to build words, writing sentences, and color all wrapped up into one fun ocean activity. Plus ocean activities are a favorite for us during the summer.
The Ocean CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing Printable is a great addition to the ocean printables, CVC printables and CVCC printables on the site.
What are CVC and CVCC words?
Below you can find more information on what a CVC and CVCC words are.
CVC Words Are Consonant Vowel Consonant Words
CVC words are words that have a consonant vowel consonant pattern. They have easy to sound out consonants with a short vowel sound in the middle. They don’t have any tricky blends or digraphs for kids to work around.
CVCC Words Are Consonant Vowel Consonant Consonant Words
CVCC words are words that have a consonant vowel and two consonants. The two consonants at the end are consonant blend. That is two letters that make their own sounds but are together. You can also have two consonants at the end that are digraphs, that is two letters that make the same sound.
Ocean CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing Printable
In this series that are mainly two different pages: a word family name page and writing a sentence page. This ocean printable allows your child to make the words their themed wall cards for CVC words and CVCC words.
You have the following CVC Endings: -ad, -ag, -am, -an, -ap, -ar, at, -ed, -en, -et, -ig, -in, -ip, -it, -og, -op, -ot, -ow, -ox, -ug, -un, & -ut.
You have the following CVCC Endings: -all, -ill, -ell, -ull, -ing, -ang, -ung, -ong, -ast, -ist, -ust, -ost, -est, -ack, -ick, -ock, -uck, -and, -end, -ind, -ond, -und, ink, -unk, -onk, -amp, -imp, -ump.
The ocean CVC writing is great for kids in kindergarten (ages 5 and 6) and first grade ages (6 and 7).
The ocean CVCC writing is great for kids in first grade (ages 6 and 7) and second grade (ages 7 to 8).
Ocean CVC Word Writing Printable
The ocean CVC word writing printable has several ocean animals on the page. Each ocean animal has a sign below them with a space to write words for ending word family for that page.
You can see on the bottom left corner the word family for the page.

Ocean CVC Sentence Writing Printable
You have a shark writing paper with the work family on the worksheet. You use this writing page to write a sentence about one of the words you wrote on the ocean word writing printable.

Ocean CVCC Word Writing Printable
The ocean CVCC word writing printable has several ocean animals on the page. Each ocean animal has a sign below them with a space to write words for ending word family for that page.
You can see on the bottom left corner the word family for the page.

Ocean CVCC Sentence Writing Printable
You have a shark writing paper with the work family on the worksheet. You use this writing page to write a sentence about one of the words you wrote on the ocean word writing printable.
You can use this also for writing the words.

Things to use with the Ocean CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing Printable
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
- printer
- white copy paper
- pencil
- crayons
- markers
- CVC Word Family Wall Cards
- CVCC Word Family Wall Cards
Ways to Use the Ocean CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing Printable
You are going to see a few suggestion on how to use the ocean CVC and CVCC writing printables below. And remember you can always set this up differently to fit your needs.
Setting up the Ocean Word Writing Center
You can see below a simple set up for one of the ocean word writing worksheets. You have something to write with, and blue is fun for the ocean theme. Then you have a CVCC bookmarks or a CVC bookmarks for kids to use. You can give them the bookmark for that work family or have them search for the word ending they will use.
The CVC Wall Cards and the CVCC Wall Cards also work great for word lists.

If you want something other than the can use the CVC flashcards or the CVCC flashcards.
Writing the Word Family Words
After you have the word family picked out you can write the words. You can have them decide their own words or use the bookmarks with the page.
You can see how simple it is to write each of the words below. Plus you can color the page after you finish writing the words.
You can also have them read the words on the page they wrote. It is a great way to work on hearing the words with the same ending.

Writing the Word Family Words
After you have the pages above done you can them work on writing a sentences with the word. You can write on sentence or several sentences.
And if you are not ready for sentences you could always work on write the words again.

Make a Hands-on Word Building Mat
Now not everyone is ready for writing the words. You can see below a simple set up for something who is not writing but working on CVC words or CVCC words.
You can see we used alphabet stamps to make the word ending and then gave them lacing letters for the beginning of the words.

You can see how simple it is to use the lacing letters on the page.
Stamping the CVC and CVCC words
You could also have kids use the alphabet stamps to make the whole word. You can give them the bookmarks or wall cards. And they stamp the words on the page.
What are you going to find in the Free Ocean CVC & CVCC Word Family Writing Printables:
- CVC Words Families in the printables: -ad word family, -ag word family, -am word family, -an word family, -ap word family, -ar word family, at word family, -ed word family, -en word family, -et word family, -ig word family, -in word family, -ip word family, -it word family, -og word family, -op word family, -ot word family, -ow word family, -ox word family, -ug word family, -un word family, & -u word familyt
- CVCC Words Families in the set: -all word family, -ill word family, -ell word family, -ull word family, -ing word family, -ang word family, -ung word family, -ong word family, -ast word family, -ist word family, -ust word family, -ost word family, -est word family, -ack word family, -ick word family, -ock word family, -uck word family, -and word family, -end, -ind word family, -ond word family, -und word family, ink word family, -unk word family, -onk word family, -amp word family, -imp word family, -ump word family
- Ocean animals for writing word family words
- Shark writing page for each word family
- 102 pages total
Summer Themed CVC, & CVCC and Ocean Printables
Shark Fin CVC Words Break the Code is a great CVC word sounding out with words ending in the letter n. This is a great way to work on sounding out CVC words.
This is a fun Beach CVC & CVCC Writing Activity for kids. You have a fun way to make your own CVC chart with different would families and then write a sentence about one of those words. It is a fun beach review for CVC word family words and CVCC word family words.
Ice Cream CVC Short Vowel Matching is a geat short vowel center for kids with five vowel sounds with matching and recording sheet.
Check out all the fun Ocean & Beaches Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
There are themed word family writing sets on 3 Dinosaurs:
Christmas tree
This allows you to have fun with your writing all year.
Cassie –