October 2016 Monthly Goals With Free Fall Themed Monthly Cleaning List
September was a VERY busy month for me. I got overwhelmed a few times but kept to a lot of my goals. I had a big launch of a new product and was working as much as I could on a few smaller projects along the way. Plus I keep to my cleaning goals and that made everyone feel better.
Plus this month we have fall and a change to the new Fall Monthly Cleaning List! That has bee a huge help for me over the last while. You can see more details about this further down.
I divide my goals into three areas: blog, family and personal. This division allows me to make goals for each of those areas. Each one has daily, weekly and monthly goals. It allows me to be able to put them into my to do list as I work on it. I also review each area as I finish up the month before.

Blog Goals
I had several weeks where I got all my blog goals done, and it was wonderful just to check that off. The Romping & Roaring Shape packs are out! That was a huge part of my month was making sure everything was done. It always feels great when a big project is done. I had some great days in September with my goals, and I loved it! I hope to keep the ball rolling into October. Which has a huge project with Royal Baloo!
- Have a great October with the project with Royal Baloo – 31 Days of Free Printables – more details coming soon!
- Get ahead on my blog posts at least 3 or 4 days.
- Take Weekends off and keep to a work week only if I can do it.
- Take one planned break from blogging and the computer. I did it one day this last month and it was nice! I got more done.
- Finish 6 smaller selling products for the month – yes working towards making more selling products. I’ll be putting them up on Teachers Pay Teacher as I make them.
- Complete teacher requested projects that will be up on Teachers Pay Teacher. Yes, I have taken on a few paying projects.
- Use the Blog Planner I bought – Look for planner that allows for planning two posts a day
- Update 1 old post each week or update two download pages with links to the blog. (ON GOING)
- Create a total project list of all started projects with projected release dates. Schedule when finished.
- Star working on a new Logo & Blog Design – this will be a year-long project
- Schedule less on Facebook – will only spend 30 minutes a day on this
- Write up a few trip reviews
- Review the survery results.
Family Goals
We finally got into a routine for school! It has taken a while, but we finally have it. We are enjoying the time a lot. It has been great fun to work on the various projects we have done around the house. Plus we were spending more time together. We also had a rocky start to new chores for my girls. They are just getting used to the changes. This month’s huge goal is to clean out our office area and declutter as much of it as I can. It has been a dumping ground and needs to be a room again.
- Spend one weekend Computer Free!
- Keep a TO DO LIST and weekly menu! I need this I get more done even if I don’t complete it all. I keep track of my projects better.
- Declutter one area 15 minutes every day until one area is clean. The areas I’ll be cleaning is the office room (Look for pictures on Instagram #kbngoals
- Keep Homework area clean
- Keep my kitchen counter cleaned off!
- Have no laundry to fold at the end of the day. Then keep track on my to-do list, so I don’t forget laundry in washer. Work on the girls doing more laundry.
- Use Daily, Weekly & Monthly Cleaning Cart (See below for new Fall one) – yes, this does help me get my cleaning done.
- Read more to my girls not less – Start Our Fall Reading list!
- Add to the girls chore list and help them learn the chore. (Working on Chore Charts)
- Clean out unused items and declutter the whole office
Personal Goals
I was HORRIBLE at my personal time this last month. I let things get to me and over did a lot of things. This last week I realized that I needed to just walk away from stuff. Leave the room completely to calm down and that helps. I hope to do more days off and try and really focus when I do some work. I also hope to take a real personal time to reflect on what I’m doing.
- Schedule my block of time that the girls are in school between: blog, personal and family.
- Daily Fitness – This means fitness comes before ANYTHING else. I have to have my fitness to make sure my day goes better. My attitude is better when I do.
- Make 10,000 steps EVERY day. I’ll be using a Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Activity Wristband
to help with my tracking.
- Schedule a time out of the house for me twice a month – I need to work on this more.
- Take days off! I mean really take them off with no blog work at all on those days.
- Read or listen to 5 fun books during the month – Don’t always get new books, enjoy rereading books as well.
- Last year I started reading these books self help and parenting books. This year I’m going to reread a few and post a review of some of them each month.
- Color in my coloring book
when I get stressed or need a mommy time out – at least 15 minutes a day
FREE Fall Themed Monthly Cleaning Chart Printable
I have loved the seasonal cleaning charts. They really have helped me keep track of what I need to do. This is the last seasonal one to make! I love the idea to having my cleaning there for me and I can put my changes as I see them each month. Plus I find it fun to check off what I have done!
What you will find in these printables:
- 7 pages
- 7 different images to pick from with leaves, pumpkins, fall trees, and scarecrows
- It has lists for Monthly, Weekly and Daily
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
To do lists really do help! I have been using them a lot this month, and I find that they help me stay focused even though I don’t think I have EVER gotten every item on them done.
I find scheduling time for me to be the most challenging as well! Somehow it doesn’t get done.
Thank you for the beautiful to do list, this is exactly as I need.
I love the to-do lists!