October Poppins Book Nook: Artists
Every month we have a great theme and I’m looking forward to this one! There are so many great artists that you can study! We take several trips to different art museums in our area. They are fun to go to and explore art.
My girls and I have learned to love many different kinds of artists and their art work. We go at least every other month. It is something we always are looking forward to! We have several things we do when visiting a museum. It keeps my girls looking for new and different things.
I’m so excited about this months theme of artists. We have several books we love and some new ones we are going to check out. You can read about them below!
The Iridescence of Birds: A Book About Henri Matisse is a great book about what inspired his art work. The book is wonderful look at his life growing up. This was one of our books finds in March 2015.
Stone Giant: Michelangelo’s David and How He Came to Be is a fun book about the statue and how it was made. This was a good look at the times and people. We really enjoyed this one. This was one of our books finds in April 2015.
Magic Tree House Fact Tracker #19: Leonardo da Vinci: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #38: Monday with a Mad Genius is a great book for this artist. He did so many different types of drawings. We got to see some of his works a few months back. We read this book before we went so that we would know something art Leonardo da Vinci.
I can say that Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists. We have had a board book that my youngest has loved to read called: In the Garden with Van Gogh. We have also read Katie and the Starry Night
and Vincent’s Colors
. There are so many books for kids for Van Gogh. I know that I’ll be looking for more soon.
The Great Wave: A Children’s Book Inspired by Hokusai is a wonderful book with great art work from Hokusai. His print block work is wonderful. We saw his exhibit and just loved the art work. We have just looked through at the books and been amazed at how work went into making the art work.
You can also get coloring books for some of the artists for your kids: Color Your Own Van Gogh Paintings (Dover Art Coloring Book) and Dover Masterworks: Color Your Own Monet Paintings
are ones that we have been coloring.
Here are some others books we will be checking out this month:
- The Magical Garden of Claude Monet (Anholt’s Artists Books For Children)
- Henri Matisse: Drawing with Scissors (Smart About Art)
- Leonardo and the Flying Boy (Anholt’s Artists Books For Children)
- Henri’s Scissors
- Picasso and the Girl with a Ponytail (Anholt’s Artists Books For Children)
If you’re interested in joining this month’s Poppin Nook Book club, here’s what you need to do…
- Comment below and let us know that you are joining in!
- Pick your favorite Artists book (or a new one you want to check out) and read it with your child or class.
- Create an activity, project, craft, cooking project, etc. related to the book and do it.
- Come back and share it with us as part of a big Artists blog hop on Monday, October 26th! The linky will be live for 3 weeks, so if you aren’t ready to post on the 26th… just join in when you can!
Here are some of the people joining in the link up this month.

Here all the themes and the dates for this year Poppins Book Nook:
March: Weather – Introduction – Free Weather Pack
April 27th: Farms – Introduction – Free Roll a Farm Printable!
May 25th: Caldecott Medal Books – Introduction – Easy Craft: Yarn Pictures
June 29th: Forest/Woods – Introduction – Wildlife Sorting: Diurnal, Nocturnal & Crepuscular
July 27th: Composers – Introduction – Exploring Music Notes & Composers
August 31: Books that Were made into Movies – Introduction – King of the Wild Things Crown
September 28th: >Newberry Medal Winners – – Stamping Words on Spider Webs
October 26th: Artists
November 30th: Feast Around the World
January 25th: Countries Around the World
February 29th: Ponds, Lakes & Rivers
What is your Artists book?
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
These look like great books! Thanks for linking up at the Thoughtful Spot Blog Hop! 🙂