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Paper Plate Easter Basket Craft for Kids

A super simple Easter Basket craft that kids can make. It is a quick craft you can do just about any time during Easter.

Kids will love how fun it is to make the Easter basket.

You only need a few items to make this Easter craft. It would be a great craft to make on Easter Day.

Easter Basket Craft for Kids - a simple paper plate Easter basket you can make with kids as a decoration for Easter - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

This is a great addition to the Easter Crafts on the site.

We love to read the book Easter Eggs by Jan Brett. They are so fun and creative and looking for the eggs on each page is fun. It is always fun to read the book and see what we find new in it.

What we used to make the Easter Basket Craft

Easter Basket Craft for Kids - a simple paper plate Easter basket you can make with kids as a decoration for Easter - 3Dinosaurs.com

How we made the Easter Basket Craft

Below are the steps we used the make the Easter Basket with Easter Eggs.

Dot Marker the Paper Plate

You start off by using the dot marker on the plate. This is a great way to paint the plate. You could also watercolor paint the plate if you don’t have a brown dot marker.

You can see that we use a paper under the plate to keep the table clear. If you don’t want to do that I’ll let you know that a magic eraser cleans up the dot markers!

Easter Basket Craft for Kids - a simple paper plate Easter basket you can make with kids as a decoration for Easter - 3Dinosaurs.com

Punch Out the Ovals for the Easter Eggs

We used an oval punch to make the eggs. It is a quick and easy to make the eggs this way.

You can make the eggs ahead of time or let kids make them. You can see that you press the punch down.

Easter Basket Craft for Kids - a simple paper plate Easter basket you can make with kids as a decoration for Easter - 3Dinosaurs.com

Then you see the egg shape that it makes. The Easter Scrapbook Paper makes really fun eggs.

Easter Basket Craft for Kids - a simple paper plate Easter basket you can make with kids as a decoration for Easter - 3Dinosaurs.com

Glue Eggs on the Back of the Basket

After you have the eggs punched out and the paper plate is dry. Then you glue the eggs on the back of the basket. You can put a line of glue down and they put in the eggs in the order they want.

You can do one row or two rows of eggs.

Easter Basket Craft for Kids - a simple paper plate Easter basket you can make with kids as a decoration for Easter - 3Dinosaurs.com

If the glue is not keep the eggs in the basket, you can tape them on. We did this after we saw some of the eggs did not stay with the glue.

Final look at our Easter Basket Craft

Easter Basket Craft for Kids - a simple paper plate Easter basket you can make with kids as a decoration for Easter - 3Dinosaurs.com
Easter Basket Craft for Kids - a simple paper plate Easter basket you can make with kids as a decoration for Easter - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out these other Easter Crafts

Easter Egg Wreath: Oil Pastels is a very easy craft for kids to do. You get to blends oil pastels and make a great wreath.

Tissue Paper Easter Eggs – The Easter Egg is a fun Easter decoration for your house. Super simple and easy to make!

Easy To Make Washi Tape Easter Eggs is a great window craft that kids can make! Super fun to have in your windows.

A fun and easy Easter Egg Cookie Cutter Painting. This is a great way to work on fine motor and different ages can work on the painting.

Check out all the fun Easter Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Easter Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Absolutely loving all of the resources you share. So glad I stumbled upon your site. Looking forward to seeing what else you share.

    1. I’m so glad that you like the site. I work hard to make fun printable and great activities to do with kids.

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