
Paper Roll Flower Garden Painting

Simple and easy flower crafts are always fun. This is a fun flower garden made with paper rolls and paint.

You can have fun stamping the flowers, stems, and leaves with paper rolls and it is a great spring painting for kids in preschool, prek, and kindergarten. Plus this is a great way to use those paper rolls you have around the house.

You can also do these paper roll flowers after this flower garden painting.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - see how we made this simple flower painting craft for kids. - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Paper Roll Flower Garden Painting is a great addition to the flower activities and paper roll activities on the site.

Paper Roll Flower Garden Painting

This is a simple paper roll painting craft for kids to do. It does not require much but makes great flower prints on the paper and then make it into a flower garden.

You use the paper rolls to make a flower for kids to stamp onto paper. And then use more paper rolls to make the stem and flowers.

Flower Book to Read with the Flower Painting

If you are looking for a fun book to read with this craft you can check out Flowers by Gail Gibbons.

Flowers by Gail Gibbons

What you need to make the Paper Roll Flowers

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - see all the supplies that we used to make the craft. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Steps We used to Make the Flower Paper Roll Stamper

Here are al the steps we used the make the paper roll flowers.

Supplies We used in Making the Flowers

We used the paper rolls, yarn and scissors. And you can use other string for the flowers if you want.

I know someone who did this and used tape to keep the rolled together

Paper Roll Flower Painting - Making the paper roll flower - 3Dinosaurs.com

You place the seven paper rolls on flat area. You put one in the middle and six around the center one.

You wrap the yarn around a few times. This helps keep the rolled tighter together. You want to tie a knot when you are done. Then you want to cut the strips hanging really short. You could also use masking tape to keep them together.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - Making the paper roll flower - 3Dinosaurs.com

You do two sets of the yarn wrapping. The second sent helps if one happens to come off. But two tied tight around the paper rolls helps them stay together.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - Making the paper roll flower - 3Dinosaurs.com

Making the Paper Roll Flower Prints

You will see how we painted with the paper rolls.

Put the Paint on a Paper Plate

We did two sets of circles of colors of paint. You have a wider paint and a second color of paint that is in the center of the plate.

You can use several sets of colors for more paper roll flowers.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - pain on paper plate - 3Dinosaurs.com

You place that paper rolls in the paint. You can check to make sure that all the paper rolls are covered in paint. You can move the paper rolls around on the plate to move the paint around.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - paint on the paper rolls - 3Dinosaurs.com

Making The Flowers

After you have the paint on the paper roll flower. You can going to stamp it on the page. You want to try and to put the flower at the top of the page. But kids can stamp the flowers where they want.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - - painting the flowers - 3Dinosaurs.com

After you have one flower done you want to add more. You can do the same color or a different color. We did two colors for our flowers.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - painting the flowers - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can see how we used a different color in the middle of the two flowers.

We just did three just three flowers. But you can do more if you want.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - painting the flowers - 3Dinosaurs.com

Make the Flower Stems

You are going to use a simple paper roll to make the stem of the flower. You can stamp them down in a line. we used a few stamps to make the stem. You can do lots of them or just a few. Let kids decide how many they need to make the stem.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - making the stem of the flower - 3Dinosaurs.com

Make the Leaves on the Stems

Now we use a paper roll of the leaves on the stem of the flower. We make the paper roll into a football shape. So it is an oval with points on the side.

Then you put the leaves somewhere on the stem. You can let kids decide how many they need and if they need both sides or just one side.

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - making the leaves on the stem of the flower - 3Dinosaurs.com

Final look at our Paper Roll Flower Garden Painting

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - see how we made this simple flower painting craft for kids. - 3Dinosaurs.com

Paper Roll Flower Painting - a simple flower garden craft using paper, paints and paper rolls - see how we made this simple flower painting craft for kids. - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Flower Crafts & Activities

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Tissue Paper Flower Wreath Craft is a super easy wreath made with tissue paper flowers and flower punches. This is a great way to work on laying different flowers on a wreath.

Flower No-Prep Weekly Packs is a set of no-prep packs with 5 day of printables and 4 pages for each day. They have a mix of math and language for each grade level. There are six levels of pack to pick from Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.

Flower ABC Tracing Cards Printables has tracing cards for all 26 letters of the alphabet in a fun 3 by 3 grid for a fun way to trace.

Paper Plate Flower Wreaths is a fun wreath with craft flowers and torn paper.

Check out all the fun Flower Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Flower Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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