Paper Roll Painted Menorah for Hanukkah
The Paper Roll Painting Menorah is a super easy craft for Hanukkah.
Kids can have a blast making a menorah with paper roll and it is super simple to do. Plus, everyone can make their menorah doing this.
You need paint, paper and paper rolls and that is it!
This is a great addition to the Hanukkah crafts on the site.
What is Hanukkah?
Hanukkah is the festival of the lights. It is a small Jewish holiday that lasts eight nights of lighting candles. It commemorates the rededication of the temple after the Syrians desecrated it.
It has fun activities with lighting the candles on the menorah, dreidels, chocolate coins, and latkes to name a few parts of Hannukah.
Menorah Paper Roll Painting
This menorah craft is a great way to make all 8 candles and the shamash and have kids learn about why we celebrate the 8 night of Hanukkah.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
Hanukkah Book to Read this the Paper Roll Menorah
We love reading the book Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins. It has always been a favorite for us. And is a great one for working on the different night and menorah.
What we used to make the Menorah Paper Roll Painting
- 12 by 18 craft paper
- washable paints yellow, and two colors of blue
- paper rolls
- paper plate

How we made the Menorah Paper Roll Painting
You will see all the steps below that we used to make the Paper Roll Menorah.
Setting Up the Paint
This is how we set up the paints on the paper plate. You can start with a little and add more as you do. And yes, you can do colors other than blue for the candles. You could let kids pick their own colors.

Making the Base of the Menorah
You start by making a line with the paper rolls across the paper. You want to leave space at the bottom to make the base. This is the place that will hold the candles.

Then you add on with making the bottom of the menorah by making the standing part of the Menorah.

And you also want to make sure you have an area for the shamash candle as well. You want to try and get it in the center.

Making the Candles on the Menorah
Now you more on to making candles.
Make the four candles on each side
You start with getting your spacing on the candles. You want to make sure you have enough space for four candles on each side. It is suggested to start on the outside and work your way in. There is very little space between candles.
We went from one side to the other and did run into issues doing it that way. So work on doing candles from the outside in.
Then you start the candle for the shamash as well.

Stamp Three Rings for Each Candle
We stamped three times for each candle. You want to ensure that the shamash is taller than the other candles.

Stamp the Flame on the Candle
We used a flattened paper roll to make the flame on the candle. You can see how neat one stamp makes it look like a candle with a flame.

Final look at our Menorah Paper Roll Painting

More Hanukkah Painting & Crafts
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Check out all the fun Hanukkah Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –