Free Penguin Place Value Matching
There are many different math skills for kids to learn. And place value math is very important for them to learn.
I have a very fun free penguin place value matching game for kids to do. They will have fun matching the penguins and the icebergs. It is a simple and easy activity for kids.
This is a part of the 5 days of penguin printables.
There at two types of cards in the set. You have the penguin number cards and the sorting maths. I recommend printing these on cardstock and laminating
them. It will help them last longer.
The set comes with penguins from 1 to 9 in ones, tens and hundreds. This allows you to match them to any combination of the iceberg cards.

The sorting mat comes in two levels. They have ones and tens or ones, tens and hundreds. This allows for different levels of learning.

There are two recording sheets for the matching card activity. You can use these sheets to record the matches. You can print the level that you are working on.

Things to use with the Penguin Place Value Matching Printable
There are all the items we used to prepare these printables and some we used with the printables.
Ways to use the Penguin Place Value Matching Printable
There are many ways to use this set. I thought I would share a few of them. I also like to show how I set up the activities. Below you can see one way to set up the activity. It has the penguin cards, the icebergs, and the recording sheet.

The most basic way to use this set is with the matching activity. You pull an iceberg and then pull the matching penguins for the number. You can see we have the two cards that make the number.

If you don’t want to bother with the matching you can just use the icebergs with the recording sheet. You fill out the sheet with the information on the iceberg.

You can also switch it up and use the penguins to fill ou the information. I mixed up the numbers and gave them 4 of each and then have them flip through the numbers and fill out the recording worksheet. This allows for many different recordings.

If you want to keep the card together without losing them. Then put them on rings! I love using the rings to keep items together and for easy storage.

You can see how we used the cards on rings to flip through the numbers when doing the iceberg matching.

You can also use these ring cards to have kids tell you the numbers they see. They flip through the numbers and say what number they see.

What is in the Free Penguin Place Value Matching Printable
- Two levels: Tens & Ones or Hundreds, Tens & Ones
- 8 sets of icebergs per type
- Penguins ones: 1, 0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9
- Penguins tens: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, & 90
- Penguins hundreds: 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, & 900
- Recording sheets for both options
- 10 pages of printables
Check out these other penguin printables & activities:
Be sure to check out all 5 Days of the Penguin Week.
Cassie –