
Pirate Themed Money Game

Pirates love treasure and this is a fun money game to work on coin name and matching the coin amount or the coin picture.

So you have two fun money games for kids to play. The money game is great for single play or two players. Plus can be used one time or many times in a math center.

Free Pirate Themed Money Game - a fun game working on coin names and matching pictures or coin name and coin amounts for kids to have fun learning about money - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

This is a great addition to the pirate printables on the site.

The pirate money treasure games work on learning coins quarter, dime, nickel, and penny. You are going to work on matching the coin name and the coin amount or the coin name with the picture of the coin. This is a great kindergarten and first grade math worksheet.

Plus the pirate money game is simple and easy to use!

The first pirate money game has the coin name on the outside and the amount of the coin in the middle.

Free Pirate Themed Money Game - a fun game working on coin names and matching pictures and coin and coin amounts for kids to have fun learning about money - 3Dinosaurs.com

The second pirate money game has the coin name and the pictures of the coins in the middle.

Free Pirate Themed Money Game - a fun game working on coin names and matching pictures and coin and coin amounts for kids to have fun learning about money - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the free Pirate Themed Money Game Printable

Ways to Use the Pirate Themed Money Game Printable

I’m going to show you a few ways that you can use the pirate money game and how we set up the game.

Setting Up the Pirate Money Game

You can review the pirate game a lot. You can use a mini eraser to move around the outside of the board. You can see we have a die and clear counters to use with the board.

Free Pirate Themed Money Game - a fun game working on coin names and matching pictures and coin and coin amounts for kids to have fun learning about money - 3Dinosaurs.com

Using Clear Counters with Pirate Money Game

You can see that we rolled the dice and moved the eraser around the board. Super simple and easy to do. As we love the erase around you cover all the coins that you land on with clear counters. why clear counters? So that you can do the game over again. This is great practice for working on coins.

You stop rolling when you have four in a row.

Free Pirate Themed Money Game - a fun game working on coin names and matching pictures and coin and coin amounts for kids to have fun learning about money - 3Dinosaurs.com

Using Dot Markers with Pirate Money Game

If you want to use the money game one time dot marker are a great way to mark what you landed on.

Free Pirate Themed Money Game - a fun game working on coin names and matching pictures and coin and coin amounts for kids to have fun learning about money - 3Dinosaurs.com

Print the Pirate Money Game on Colored Paper

With the game being black and white you can switch it up with colored paper. It is a great way to tie in with the pirate theme as well. You can see we used the yellow copy paper for ours. Then we covered the coins with clear counters.

Free Pirate Themed Money Game - a fun game working on coin names and matching pictures and coin and coin amounts for kids to have fun learning about money - 3Dinosaurs.com

If you have older kids have them play the game and then add up all the coins they landed on. It is a fun way to keep using the money game!

What you will find in the Free Pirate Themed Money Game

  • 2 Money themed game boards
  • 1 pirate game board with coin name and picture of coin
  • 1 pirate game board with coin name and amount of coin
  • 2 pages
Free Pirate Themed Money Game - works on matching coin names to picture of coins and matching coin name to the amount of the coin with 2 pages of free printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Priate Math Printables

Pirate Addition Sorting has kid working sorting more than 5 and less than 5 addition coins to a treasure chest.

Fun Pirate Themed Place Value Task Cards 12 cards for kids to work on place value.

No-Prep Pirate Themed Array Printables is a fun older math activity for kids to do!

Check out all the fun Pirate Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Pirate Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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