Pond Sensory Bin
Pond is a great theme to explore during the spring time. It is a fun way to explore the different life cycles that are present in a pond. This sensory bin has some fun texture to it with the different colors of shredded paper. You will see many of the different animals and bugs at a pond.

We did a pond sensory bin. We did this one of the times after we read Jump, Frog, Jump!. We love doing activities with this book!
What you need: bin, Safari LTD Frogs and Turtles Toob (just the ones for pond), Wild Republic Nature Tubes – Insects
(used just flies and dragonflies), green & blue gift bag filler, and Pond Pack part 2.

Mary explored all the animals in the bin. After she got a frog it ate the fly and the fly was removed from the bin. She said it was eaten and not coming back just like in the book. She had fun looking though all the animals and bugs and telling me which she saw in the pond books.

We compared things that were the same and different: green not and not green. Turtle vs frog vs duck etc.

After Mary was close to the end of playing, I pulled out the Pond Pack Counting Mat. (Yes it says plants but you said you had to follow that.) Mary would count out animals to match the number and put them on the pond. It was loads of fun for her to do.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com