Poppin Book Nook: Countries Around the World
I’ll be honest this month’s Poppins Book Nook theme: Countries Around the World, is not really one I have explored with my girls. I had to head to the library to look at books for the theme. It was fun to look through the books and see what there was. I was surprised just how many different books there are.
You can also explore a lot of cities in the different countries as well. I found that my girls were really interested in a few cities. I can say it will be hard to pick just one country or city in that country to do an activity about. This is such a HUGE theme! I can say that we will be using the World Pack with with every book we pick.
The Lonely Planet Kids Travel Book: Mind-Blowing Stuff on Every Country in the World is one that we will be checking out. This book has fun things about 200 different plcaes. Who does not love to learn about the countries, wildlife, food, sports and just how people live. The people that make this book also make several other books about the different countires and places to see.
National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of the World (National Geographic Little Kids First Big Books) is another big book about the world. I really like when you can learn lots of details about different places.
Canada All Year is one we might explore since it is a country to the north of us. It is really good to learn about different places.
M Is For Maple: A Canadian Alphabet (Discover the World) is another book about Canada. I love this series and that is explores things by the alphabet. We have read several others in this series and loved them.
P is for Passport: A World Alphabet (Discover the World) also looks like a fun book. We have read other books in this series and liked them. I love things that allow you to explore simply and have fun with it.
E is for Eiffel Tower: A France Alphabet (Discover the World) would be fun too. I can say my one time out of the US and only stamp in my passport was to France. I only saw part of an area that I was there for a job, but I did see Paris from the air and I would love to see more of it another time.
Off We Go to Mexico looks like fun. You can learn Spanish and about Mexico at the same time. This is another book about learning about the countries that are right around us.
Mirror is a book that we saw last year that compares how two different kids live. The countires they are in are Morocco and in Australia. I love several of her books and we look through them often.
If you’re interested in joining this month’s Poppin Nook Book club, here’s what you need to do…
- Comment below and let us know that you are joining in!
- Pick your favorite Countries Around the World book (or a new one you want to check out) and read it with your child or class.
- Create an activity, project, craft, cooking project, etc. related to the book and do it.
- Come back and share it with us as part of a big Countries Around the World blog hop on Monday, January 30th! The linky will be live for 3 weeks, so if you aren’t ready to post on the 25th… just join in when you can!
Here are some of the people joining in the link up this month.

Here all the themes and the dates for this year Poppins Book Nook:
March: Weather – Introduction – Free Weather Pack
April 27th: Farms – Introduction – Free Roll a Farm Printable!
May 25th: Caldecott Medal Books – Introduction – Easy Craft: Yarn Pictures
June 29th: Forest/Woods – Introduction – Wildlife Sorting: Diurnal, Nocturnal & Crepuscular
July 27th: Composers – Introduction – Exploring Music Notes & Composers
August 31: Books that Were made into Movies – Introduction – King of the Wild Things Crown
September 28th: Newberry Medal Winners – – Stamping Words on Spider Webs
October 26th: Artists Introduction – Learning About Artists
November 30th: Feast Around the World – Introduction – Placemats For Our Feasts
January 25th: Countries Around the World
February 29th: Ponds, Lakes & Rivers
What is your Countries Around the World book?
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
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