Ponds, Lakes & Rivers Books for kids
Ponds, Lakes & Rivers are a favorite theme at our house. We loved so many different books pond books.
I have collected a few of our favorite books that you can read with kids.
You have a mix of learning books about ponds and pond animals and a few I made a Pond Pack to go with the theme and one of our favorite books. And I thought I would share a few books that you can use with that free pack.
Ponds are a great theme for kids to explore, as there are so many different places with this theme.
I know that we will be exploring a few fun books while doing this theme. Something fun to use with this them would be the Nature Journal.

This Pond book collection is a great addition to the pond activities on the site.
Pond Books for Kids
Here is a fun collection of pond books you can read with kids.
Jump Frog Jump
Jump, Frog, Jump! like I said above is a favorite book of ours. We just really enjoy the book. We even have a gross motor activities we have done with it: Jump Frog Jump Gross Motor. I love the way the words build in the book and how you learn more about the animals in the area.
Beavers by Gail Gibbons
Beavers is a great book about beavers and how they live. I like the books that Gail Gibbons does because of the information you can find in the book. Beavers are a big part of some rivers and it is fun to see how they live and affect the area around them.
Over and Under the Pond
Over and Under the Pond is a favorite book for use. the book explores all the different parts of a pond that kids can see above and lets them also see what is in the pond and below the pond.
Beyond the Pond by Joseph Kuefler
Beyond the Pond was one of our book finds recently. We really liked the book. It has a fun way to look at the pond and what just might be under it. I love the creativity of the book.
Up the Creek
Up the Creek (Life in the Wild) is another new book we are going to be checking out. I love the idea about learning about the animals in a fun way. There are so many things you can run into in a creek. Plus there are more books in the series about these animals by the same author.
Trout, Trout, Trout!: A Fish Chant
Trout, Trout, Trout!: A Fish Chant (American City Series) looks like a great book to learn more about the fish that live in fresh water. I love that this would cover all three themes of ponds, rivers and lakes. We can’t wait to check it out.
Mossy by Jan Brett
Mossy is a favorite at our house. We loved reading this book when it came out. It is a great read about a turtle from a pond. We did an art project for it a few years ago.
Here are some other pond, lake and river activities on 3 Dinosaurs:
Pond No-Prep Weekly Packs are great no-prep packs with six grade levels to pick from you have prek, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, and fourth grade. Each pack has 4 pages of printables for 5 days. These are easy to just print and use.
Pond Sensory Bin is an easy sensory bin play with kids. It has turtles and frog in the sensory bin. It is super simple to set up with paper for the sensory bin filler.
Build Up Summer Learning: Week 2 Pond is a fun 5 day Summer Learning Program that can be used with kids from Tot to 3rd grade. You have fun activities that kids can learn with.
Jump Frog Jump Gross Motor is a fun set of gross motor movements you can do with the book plus a dice you can use.
Pond ABC Count & Color has 26 uppercase letters of the alphabet for kids to color and count. There are four letters on each page. It is great printable for Prek and Kindergarten.
Pond Pack is a great pack that goes with the book Jump, Frog, Jump!. This is a great preschool pond life pack. You will also find some great activities for kindergarten worksheets for frogs. Plus it does have some life cycle of a frog in the pack.
What is your Ponds, Lakes & Rivers book?
Check out all the fun Pond & Frog Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Here all the themes and the dates for this year Poppins Book Nook:
March: Weather – Introduction – Free Weather Pack
April 27th: Farms – Introduction – Free Roll a Farm Printable!
May 25th: Caldecott Medal Books – Introduction – Easy Craft: Yarn Pictures
June 29th: Forest/Woods – Introduction – Wildlife Sorting: Diurnal, Nocturnal & Crepuscular
July 27th: Composers – Introduction – Exploring Music Notes & Composers
August 31: Books that Were made into Movies – Introduction – King of the Wild Things Crown
September 28th: Newberry Medal Winners – – Stamping Words on Spider Webs
October 26th: Artists Introduction – Learning About Artists
November 30th: Feast Around the World – Introduction – Placemats For Our Feasts
January 25th: Countries Around the World – Introduction – Building Eiffel Tower
February 29th: Ponds, Lakes & Rivers
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com
I love the Lakes, Ponds and Rivers theme…not only does it fit for our area, but it makes me think spring! When you have a blizzard warning, thinking spring is “awesome”!!