
Easy No-Prep Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables

Not all nids are ready for a small dashed line when pre-writing practice lines. And they might need just a little more help with the start and stop when tracing lines. And these preschool prewriting printables are perfect for that.

These have been a favorite on the site because they have green for start and red for stop on each line. This allows kids to know where they start on the prewriting line and where they stop.

It puts familiar road signs themes in their prewriting writing practice.

Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables - easy to use with start and stop prewriting lines for kids to use. A great preschool and prek prewriting printable - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills #freeprintables

The Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables is a great addition to the prewriting printables on the site.

So what is pre-writing?

Pre-writing is the skill to build to work up to writing letters and other types of writing. It also teaches the direction that we read.

You start out with thick prewriting lines and work to thinner prewriting lines. Then to prewriting patterns that work into writing letters.

Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables

The Pre writing Practice Solid & Dashed Printables come with a start and stop to help the preschool age kids working on their prewriting writing skills.

This is similar to the prewriting pages in the Romping & Roaring ABC Packs. You have two options for the page type a thick solid prewriting line or a thick dashed prewriting line.

Each of these is wide enough to help prek kids trace their pre writing lines. These prek prewriting worksheets have been a huge hit at our house. My youngest loves having the start and stop when tracing lines.

You can see below the two options with prewriting printable with dished lines or prewriting sold lines.

Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables - easy to use with start and stop lines for kids to use - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills #freeprintables

Things to use with these preschool prewriting printables

These are just a few of the items you could use with these worksheets. They are a mix of different writing items and hands-on items.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to use the PreK Prewriting Worksheets

There are several ways to use these beginning prewriting worksheets. I thought I would share a few of our favorites.

Trace the Pre Writing Page with Markers

You can trace the sold line or the dash liens with markets. You don’t have to limit kids to markers. There are so many fun things to use on the pages to trace the prewriting lines like crayons, pencils, or colored pencils.

Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables - easy to use with start and stop lines for kids to use - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills #freeprintables

Prewriting with Pencil Hold

Kids don’t always hold the pencil correctly when they start with prewriting. So this fun pencil grips helps make holding the pencil easier when doing prewriting lines.

Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables - easy to use with start and stop lines for kids to use - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills #freeprintables

Re-Using Prewriting Worksheets

You might have kids that need to work on prewriting a lot. And the best way to do that is to reuse the prewriting worksheets. You can put the pre writing page laminate or put in a sheet protector. Then you can trace the prewriting lines over and over.

Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables - easy to use with start and stop lines for kids to use - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills #freeprintables

Use the Prewriting lines with Small Items

If you are not ready for prewriting then start using the solid prewriting lines with small items likes mini erasers. We get a lot of ours at Target. You can have them place the eraser along the prewriting lines on the page.

Animal erasers work great because you can have them face the direction you would trace the line.

Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables - easy to use with start and stop lines for kids to use - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills #freeprintables

Use the Prewriting lines with Playdough

These prewriting lines work great for playdough lines. You have going to find a mix of mix and some might be too advance to trace but will work great for starting with a playdough mat for the lines.

Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables - easy to use with start and stop lines for kids to use - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills #freeprintables

More Prewriting Printables for Preschool and Kindergarten

If you are looking for more prewriting printables you have fun with the full set of prewriting printables in the Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set. it has 174 pages of different levels of prewriting practice that kids can use.

Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set - easy pages ready for teachers to use no-prep pages, easy reader books, tons of new tracing pages and options for kids. It has 174 pages of printables $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills

What you will find in the Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables:

  • 24 Prewriting Pages Total
  • Start and stop images prewriting line
  • 12 pages Prewriting Practice Solid
  • 12 pages Prewriting Practice Dashed
Free Prewriting Practice Solid & Dashed Printables - easy to use with start and stop  prewriting lines for kids to use - 3Dinosaurs.com #prewriting #finemotorskills #freeprintables

Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set

Looking for more pre-writing printables or want it just ready to print and use. Then check out the Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set.

This set includes some of the printables above in an easy no-prep printable set. Plus additional and new printables. The set includes big and thin dashed lines, no-prep prewriting worksheets, prewriting strips, easy reader books, and more!

Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set - easy pages ready for teachers to use no-prep pages, easy reader books, tons of new tracing pages and options for kids. It has 174 pages of printables $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Fine Motor Prewriting Printable Set:

  • Big Solid and Dashes Prewriting Lines with a start and stop.
  • Big Solid and Dashes Prewriting mixed with start and stop
  • Thin Prewriting lines with start and stop.
  • Thin Lines Prewriting mixed with start and stop.
  • Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines with start and stop.
  • Prewriting Practice with Patterns with prewriting fonts – Large Font
  • Prewriting Practice prewriting fonts single repeated prewriting
  • Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts all fonts together
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns with prewriting fonts – Single Pattern Repeated
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns with prewriting fonts – mixed patterns together
  • Prewriting Practice Patterns Finish the Patterns with prewriting fonts – mixed patterns together
  • Prewriting Practice Spin & Trace Prewriting Fonts
  • Prewriting Strips: Big Solid Prewriting Lines with Stop & Start – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Big Dashed Prewriting Lines with Stop & Start – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting thin lines with start and stop – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines with start and stop – Color and Black & White
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice with prewriting fonts in guidelines.
  • Prewriting Strips: Prewriting Practice Patterns
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Big Dashes Lines – Single Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Big Dashes Lines – Teacher Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Thin Dashes Lines – Single Print
  • Prewriting Easy Reader Books Thin Dashes Lines – Teacher Print
  • 174 pages
  • Price: $8

More Prewriting Printables

Prewriting Practice Dice is a fun way to change up prewriting!

Prewriting Practice Printables has thin lines for kids who need more of a challenge with their prewriting.

Q-Tip Prewriting Printables is a wonderful fine motor activity with prewriting with small circles for kids to use q-tips on.

Prewriting Dot Marker Printables is great for fine motor development of matching the dot marker to the cirles in different line patterns.

Check out all the fun Prewriting Printables and Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Prewriting Printables and  Activities

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. Hello! I love your website. Your prewriting pages would be so handy for me right now. For some reason when I try to download, only one page comes up?
    I wonder if I am doing something wrong?
    Thank you in advance!


  2. I just want to thank you for allowing us to use your talents! I am a full time RN and also full time mom, homeschooling my preschooler. There is no way I could find time to figure out how to make something like the pre-writing worksheets you have here. Thanks for being a part of our journey!

  3. Line practice is important for youngsters to learn and these are a great resource, not to mention they are cute too. This will make it fun to use. Thank you for linking up this week to the Thoughtful Spot Weekly Blog Hop 🙂

  4. These are just what I need to help my little man! He’s 4 and his teacher suggested something like this might really help him practise control.
    Really huge thank you for sharing 😀

  5. I can’t thank you enough. Im so glad there are people like you who work hard and create these materials and share them to us… thank you once again!

  6. Cassie,
    Can you be so nice and tell me how to use prewriting practice handouts with dot markers? I’d love to do them with my daughther, but I really don’t know how. I’d be very glad if you answered me soon. You’re doing a great job!!! Keep it up for all the kiddos around the world.
    Fans from Poland 🙂

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