Pumpkin Themed No-Prep & Hands-On Weekly Packs
The Pumpkin Weekly Packs are here. These packs are a fun way to change up learning.
There are two sets of weekly packs for each grade level. You have hands-on printables that match the no-prep printables. It is to give a little more fun to the no-prep packs for those that need the hands-on activities.
These are made with clear guides for each day and what printables go for which day! This makes it easy to use the two packs together.
The Weekly pumpkin Packs have 5 days of no-prep and hands-on activities. Plus they are a great addition to the pumpkin printables on the site.
The no-prep has 4 pages of printables for each day. And the hands-on has 2 to 4 matching activities for each day. You are going to find a mix of learning to read and math in each of these sets. They are fun for kids to learn with!
There are six grade levels: Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade.
You can grab each grade level Pack set for $4.60.
Click here to buy the PreK Pumpkin Themed Weekly Packs – Hands-On & No-Prep at Teachers Pay Teachers
PreK Pumpkin Themed Weekly Packs
The PreK Weekly packs work on prewriting, letters, shapes, and numbers in a fun and easy to use activities that build confidence in kids.
Click here to buy the PreK Pumpkin Themed Weekly Packs – Hands-On & No-Prep at Teachers Pay Teachers

What you will find in the Prek Pumpkin Hands-On Weekly Pack
- 2 Hands-on activities for each Day
- 5 Days of hands-on printables – That Match the No-Prep Prek Pumpkin Pack
- ABCs: P, S, V, F, W
- Numbers: 13, 14, 15, 16
- Shapes: oval
- Color: orange
- Price $3
What you will find in the Prek Pumpkin No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- ABCs: P, S, V, F, W
- Numbers: 13, 14, 15, 16
- Shapes: oval
- Color: orange
- Price $3
Kindergarten Pumpkin Themed Weekly Packs
The Kindergarten Weekly Packs work on sight words, letter sounds, CVC words, numbers, addition, counting, and more. Each day builds confidence for the kids to work on each of the different skills. These printables are great for fall learning.

What you will find in the Kindergarten Pumpkin Hands-On Weekly Pack
- 2 to 4 Hands-on activities for each Day
- 5 Days of hands-on printables
- ABCs: P, S, V, F
- Beginning Sounds: cards, reading strips, clip cards
- Sight Word: clip cards, playdough mats and flashcards
- Sight Words: come, little, play, three, we
- CVC Word: ed & eg
- CVC Word family printables: cards, puzzles, sorting, and clip cards
- Color: orange playdough mat
- Sequencing Clip Cards
- Ten Frame Cards, Subtraction Matching Puzzle, Adding +3 Clip Cards, Which has More Clip Cards
- Price $3
What you will find in the Kindergarten Pumpkin No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- CVC words: ed & eg
- Sight Words: come, little, play, three, we
- ABCs: P, S, V, F
- Read the Sentences, Sequencing Pumpkin Life Cycle
- Ten Frame Numbers, Subtraction cut & paste, adding +3, Tens and Ones, Spin & Trace, Which Has More, Color the Coins
- Price $3
First Grade Pumpkin Themed Weekly Packs
The First Grade packs have a mix of sight words, CVC word, new CVCC words, digraphs, blends with numbers, addition, subtraction, place value, counting, graphing, and more. All to help build skills for kids coming into first grade.

What you will find in the First Grade Pumpkin Hands-On Weekly Pack
- 2 to 4 Hands-on activities for each Day
- 5 Days of hands-on printables – That Match the No-Prep First Grade Pumpkin Pack
- Sight Word: clip cards, playdough mats and flashcards
- Sight Words: an, every, him, may, then
- CVCC Word family printables: cards, puzzles, sorting, and clip cards
- Read the sentence & Clip the Picture, Pumpkin Word Clip Cards
- Pumpkin Number Words, 3D Shape Clip Card, Skip Counting Puzzles, Adding & Subtraction Doubles Puzzles, Subtraction Clip Cards, Tally Marker Puzzle, Telling Time Clip Cards
- Price $3
What you will find in the First Grade Pumpkin No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Sight Words: an, every, him, may, then
- Matching Picture and Sentences
- Pumpkin Word Writing, Number Word Writing
- Math: 3D Shape Trace & Draw, Skip Counting by 2, Adding & Subtracting Doubles, Count & Graph, Subtraction, Missing Numbers, Numbers and Tally markers, Word problems, Telling Time Matching
- Price $3
Second Grade Pumpkin Themed Weekly Packs
The Second Grade packs work on reviewing skills from first grade and building new skills for second grade. These are an easy way to build confidence in kids learning. Plus you have no-prep and hands-on activities to match together. You will find CVCe words, sight words, place value, reading, addition, subtraction, and more.

What you will find in the Second Grade Pumpkin Hands-On Weekly Pack
- 2 to 4 Hands-on activities for each Day
- 5 Days of hands-on printables
- Sight Word: clip cards, playdough mats and flashcards
- Sight Words: always, call, made, their, work
- CVCe words: ane & ase
- CVCe Word family printables: cards, puzzles, sorting, and clip cards
- Compound Word Puzzles
- End & Odd Clip Cards, Addition Review Puzzles, Fraction Matching Puzzles, 3D Shape Puzzles, Place Value Clip Cards, Ordinal Number Clip Cards, Skip Counting by 5 Puzzles, Telling Time cards & Telling Time Time Mat
- Price $3
What you will find in the Second Grade Pumpkin No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- CVCe words: ane & ase
- Sight Words: always, call, made, their, work
- Fixing Capitals and Periods, Acrostic Poem, Compound Words,
- Math: Even & Odd, Addition Review Ladders, Writing Fractions, 3D Shape Matching, Place Value, Ordinal Number Writing, Skip Counting by 5s, Telling Time
- Price $3
Third Grade Pumpkin Themed Weekly Packs
The Third Grade weekly packs work on review on r-controlled words, cursive, addition, place value, sight words, reading sentences, skip counting, and more. These are made to build confidence in kids learning skills. They can work on the no-prep and hands-on together to help them learn.

What you will find in the Third Grade Pumpkin Hands-On Weekly Pack
- 2 Hands-on activities for each Day
- 5 Days of hands-on printables – That Match the No-Prep Third Grade Pumpkin Pack
- Sight Word: clip cards, playdough mats and flashcards
- Sight Words: full, hurt, long, small, today
- Long Vowel AID & AIL Matching Puzzles & Clip Cards
- Cursive P Tracing Strips
- Math Skip Counting by 4 Puzzles, Telling Time Cards & Help Mat, Repeat Addition Matching Puzzles, Multiplication by 4 Puzzle, Fraction Help Mat & Cards, Making Groups of 4 mat, Division by 4 Puzzles
- Price $3
What you will find in the Third Grade Pumpkin No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Sight Words: full, hurt, long, small, today
- Long Vowel: AID & AIL
- Cursive Letter P, Write the Story, Acrostic Poem: Pumpkin
- Math: Skip Counting by 4, Telling Time Word Problems, Repeat Addition, Place Value Expanded Form, Multiplication by 4, Making Groups, Adding Fractions, Division by 4
- Price $3
Fourth Grade Themed Weekly Packs
The fourth grade packs are great for just starting out fourth grade. You have a review of cursive letters, nouns, long is vowels, fixing sentences, and more. These are easy to use and are great skill review for kids. Plus you have the mix of no-prep and hands-on that all match to work on the skills.

What you will find in the Fourth Grade Pumpkin Hands-On Weekly Pack
- 2 Hands-on activities for each Day
- 5 Days of hands-on printables – That Match the No-Prep Fourth Grade Pumpkin Pack
- Cursive Letter Matching Puzzles: P, S, V, F, W, B
- Cursive Tracing Strips for P, S, V, F, W, B
- Ela: Contraction Puzzles, Long Vowel Puzzles EED & EEL
- Multiplication Puzzles 11, 12, & 1, Division Matching Puzzles 11, 12, & 1, Area & Perimeter Matching Puzzles, Pumpkin Place Value Arrow Cards & Task Cards, Adding Fraction Help Maths, Angle Clip Cards, Number Pattern Puzzles, Factor Matching Puzzles
- Price $3
What you will find in the Fourth Grade Pumpkin No-Prep Weekly Pack
- 4 pages of printables each day
- 5 days of no-prep worksheets
- Reading and answering
- Cursive letters: P, S, V, F, W, B
- ELA: Nouns & Verbs, Compound Words, Write the Story, Compare & Writing, Draw & Label
- Math: Area & Perimeter, Multiplication, Division, Fractions, Angles, Number Patterns, Factors
- Price $3
Check out all the fun Pumpkin Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com