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Free Q-Tip American Flag Printable & Painting Activity

A fun fine motor activity using a q-tip painting for the American Flag. You can work on fine motor skills and paint the flag at the same time.

The free Q-Tip American Flag Printable is a great Flag Painting Activity for Flag Day, 4th of July, and Memorial Day!

Plus this is a great fine motor activity to work on the colors and painting of the American flag and hand-eye coordination at the same time.

Q-Tip American Flag Painting Craft - an easy fine motor craft that kids can to do to make an American Flag. This is great for Flag Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Q-Tip American Flag Printable is a great addition to the Fourth of July printables on the site.

What is Q-Tip Painting?

Q-tip or cotton swab painting is where you use a cotton swab to paint little dots to make a picture.

Cotton Swab American Flag Printable

This q-tip painting printable is making a Q-Tip American Flag. Which is great for Flag Day and the Fourth of July!

It is a nice, simple, and easy Q-tip painting activity.

Q-tip American flag is a great fine motor craft that you can do with kids. You can work on the colors and different parts of the flag.

You can use this American Flag printables with kids in prek (ages 4 to 5) and kindergarten (ages 5 to 6).

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

American Flag Book to Read with with this Flag Printable

A great book to read with this craft is F Is for Flag (Reading Railroad Books). It teaches kids about the flag and the different symbols for the flag.

This is a great way to talk about the colors of the flag with red, white, and blue and what the stars and stripes mean on the American flag.

Black and White Q-Tip American Flag Printable

You have a black and white version of the American Flag. You can have kids work on learning what the colors area and where they should be.

Q-Tip American Flag Painting Craft - an easy fine motor craft that kids can to do to make an American Flag. This is great for Flag Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July - 3Dinosaurs.com

Color Q-Tip American Flag Printable

The color version of the q-tip has the red stripes colored and the blue on the flag colored. The parts that are white are black.

Q-Tip American Flag Painting Craft - an easy fine motor craft that kids can to do to make an American Flag. This is great for Flag Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the American Flag Q-tip Painting Printable

How to use the Q-tip American Flag Printable With Q-tip

Setting up for a Q-tip American Flag Painting

You can see the items we used for this. You have a paint tray with the three colors. You could also do glitter paint as well. And the

Q-Tip American Flag Painting Craft - an easy fine motor craft that kids can to do to make an American Flag. This is great for Flag Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July - 3Dinosaurs.com

Painting the Flag with Q-tips

Then you start painting the flag with the q-tips. Now there are a lot of dots on this and it can be tricky, but it is fun and don’t worry if they mess it up or change how they are doing the dots.

You paint the red dots red, the blue dots blue and the black dots are painted white. Of you could leave the black ones blank or unpainted.

Q-Tip American Flag Painting Craft - an easy fine motor craft that kids can to do to make an American Flag. This is great for Flag Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July - 3Dinosaurs.com

Finished Q-tip Painting American Flag

You can see the finished cotton swab painted flag. Just remember this is about having fun while doing this. Don’t make it about doing the flag perfectly.

Q-Tip American Flag Painting Craft - an easy fine motor craft that kids can to do to make an American Flag. This is great for Flag Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July - 3Dinosaurs.com

How to use the Q-tip American Flag Printable With Mini Dot Markers

Now I know that not every kids is ready for q-tip and that is why I love the mini dot markers! You can work on the small circles for dotting but have a bigger item to hold. And you still work on fine motor control.

Setting up for a Mini Dot Marker American Flag Painting

You have the mini dot markers and the q-tip American flag in color. You can see that the dot markers look about the same size bottle as the normal ones.

Q-Tip American Flag Painting Craft - an easy fine motor craft that kids can to do to make an American Flag. This is great for Flag Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July - 3Dinosaurs.com

Do-A-Dot Art Mini Jewel Tone Markers

Dotting the Q-Tip American Flag with Mini Dot Markers

You can see the finished mini dot marker painted American flag. We left the black ones just as they are. It still makes a great fine motor painting but may be easier for some kids to do.

Plus the dot markers dry much faster than paint does.

Q-Tip American Flag Painting Craft - an easy fine motor craft that kids can to do to make an American Flag. This is great for Flag Day, Memorial Day, and the Fourth of July - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Q-Tip American Flag Printable

  • Q-tip American flag in color
  • Q-tip American flag in black and white
  • 2 pages
Free Q-Tip American Flag Printable with two verison of the printable. You have a flag in color and a flag in black and white  - 3Dinosaurs.com

I hope that you enjoy this simple activity! There are other fun flag activities in the 4th Of July Printable Pack!

Check out these other Flag and American Symbols Activities

American Flag Tracing & Coloring Printable has a tracing worksheet and the coloring worksheet for the 12 strips and the 50 stars. A great fine motor flag coloring page for kids.

Yarn American Flag is a great flag you can make with yarn!

4th of July pack is a fun preschool and prek pack for learning American Symbols and other themes. Plus there are several American flag printables in the pack.

American Revolutionary War Pack is a great pack bout people from the war and a few things surrounding that time.

USA Symbols ABC Themed Easy Reader Book is a great ABC book that works on beginning sounds for American Symbols.

Dot Marker American Flag Printable has color and black and white options for kids to dot on the American flag plus a ways to use this printable.

USA Theme Number Color & Trace set works on numbers from 1 to 20 with tracing, writing and coloring.

Check out all the fun Fourth of July Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


    1. Not at all! And this is the second one we have done. We did the 100 chart type already. They were having fun and not paying attention.

      1. We used the 100s chart for math so I had her go one number at a time. On each list at the bottom. Find this number. Find that number.

  1. I love how this gives you a chance to talk about the symbolism and history of the flag too! Thanks so much for sharing it at Teach Me Tuesday at Preschool Powol Packets!!

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