Hands-On Rainbow Fractions Puzzles
The free hands-on rainbow fraction puzzles are a great way to work on learning and comparing fractions.
You can build the rainbow in parts and see the fractions made. You can add up the fractions.
These can make fractions fun and not something scary to learn about whole and parts of rainbows.
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This is a great addition the fraction printables and the rainbow printables on the site.
What is a fraction?
It is a numerical quantity that is not a whole number. It is also a number divided into equal parts.
These rainbow fractions work on 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 fractions. You can see how many of the fractions make the whole
Each of the puzzles has as many parts as needed to make a whole. You can see the 1/3 fraction puzzle below.

Things to use with the Rainbow Fractions Puzzles Printable
Ways to Use the Rainbow Fractions Printable
You can start off by just having them build the fraction puzzle. This lets them see how may of the parts will make the whole.
Build the Fraciton Puzzle
You can see that it takes 4 of the 1/4 puzzles to make a whole.

Adding Fraction Puzzles
After they work on building the whole you can work on building parts. The puzzles allow kids to work on adding the fractions.
You can give them the fraction cards and have them build the fractions. You can have them start with smaller and added up to bigger.
You can see that we have the fraction card 3/5 and the puzzle build up for 3/5 to make the card.

Comparing Fraction Puzzles
There is also a mat to compare puzzles. You can have them use the fraction cards to build the fractions. You can see that 1/3 and 3/5 are different in size.

You can also build the fractions and compare them on the mat. There is a space to use the fraction cards and the greater than, less than, and equal.

Making Equal Fraction Puzzles
You can also have them build the puzzles until they make the same fraction. this is a great way to build half and see what fractions can make 1/2.

There are so many ways to use the puzzles. And it is a great way to work on learning fractions and working up to adding fractions.
What you will find in the Free Rainbow Fractions
- Fraction building mat
- Fractions 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12
- Fraction cards to match the puzzles
- 8 pages
Check out these other Fraction printables
Fraction Number Line Bookmarks
Check out all the fun Rainbow Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com