Rainbow Rhyming Word Matching: CVC, CVCe & CVCC
One of my favorite parts about spring is rainbows! Rainbows are so much fun. And since we are headed into spring I thought it would be fun to have a new learning to read printable with rainbows.
Today I have a free rainbow theme CVC, CVCC and CVCe rhyming words matching activity. This is great for kindergarten, first grade, and second grade to have fun with rhyming words and matching words with the same ending sound.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
The Rainbow Rhyming Matching Printable is good for a spring or St. Patrick’s Day theme!
What are Rhyming Words?
Rhyming words are words that have the same sound at the ends of the words. So that words like bat and cat have the same sound at the end.
The rainbow matching words are great for reviewing rhymes for CVC, CVCC and CVCe
Each of the rainbow matching puzzles has two pictures of ryhming words on a rainbow. I recommend printing the cards on cardstock and laminating
them. It helps them last longer if little hands will be using them.

You are going to find the following rhymes:
CVC: cab & bab, rag & bag, cat & bat, man & fan, bed & red, vet & wet, hen & pen, zip & lip, pig & wig, fin & pin, dog & log, cop & mop, pot & hot, mug & bug, sum & gum, hut & nut
CVCe: bake & lake, date & gate, page & cage, dice & mice, hike & bike, dine & nine, hose & nose, home & dome, poke & woke, dune & tune, cube & tube, cute & mute
CVCC: back & tack, call & ball, hand & band, cash & rash, bend & send, deck & peck, well & bell, vest & nest, hill & gill, fish & dish, king & ring, pick & sick, wink & sink, sock & lock, duck & puck, lung & hung, pump & jump, bunk & dunk,
Things to use with the matching puzzles
Ways to Use the Rainbow Matching Puzzles
You can make really fun matching games with these puzzles. You can have all the pictures facing up for those just starting and find the matches. This is a great way to work on sounding out the words and seeing which words pictures have the same words.

You can change this up and have them do the matching game with the pictures facing down! Another fun twist on a fun game

Another fun activity you can make with these puzzles is a flip matching set. You can mix up what you want to put on each ring just have a matching sets.
They flip through the pictures and find the match. You can see that I put them on 1 inch rings for matching.

As kids do these activities they can also do some writing of the words. We did the flip cards and then wrote the matches down on the blank writing paper.

What you will find in the Free Rainbow CVC, CVCe & CVCC Matching
- 6 puzzles per page
- 2 Piece rainbow matching puzzles
- 16 CVC puzzles
- 18 CVCC puzzles
- 12 CVCe puzzles
- 8 pages of printables
Other learning to read printables:
- Rhyming Planet and Star Matching Game
- CVC Rhyming Word Matching Game
- CVC, CVCC and CVCe Word Playdough Mats with Pictures
Be sure to check out all the Spring Activities and Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Be sure to check out all the St. Patrick’s Day Activities and Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com