
Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste Worksheet

The Raindrop ABC matching Cut & paste is a great free printable that kids can use to work on matching the different letter cases.

We love the Leaf ABC matching and thought a spring version would be loads of fun!

You can work on scissors skills and matching letter cases at the same time.

Free Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste  -All 26 letters of the alphabet in a mix of letters in order and a mix of letters - 10 pages of printables - 3Dinosaurs.com #3dinosaurs #nopreprintable #freeprintable #ABCs #prek #kindergarten

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

This is part of my subscriber library. You can subscribe to the newsletter and get access to the password there. You will find it in the spring section on the subscriber freebie page.

There are many different ways to work on letters but learning what is an uppercase letter and a lowercase letter can be hard. The Raindrop ABC Matching Letter printable helps kids match those different case letters in a fun way!

This is a great printable worksheet for kindergarten and prek.

Each of the pages has uppercase and lowercase matching. It is a fun way to change up matching letters. You have the lowercase letters on the sky and uppercase raindrops to cut and paste on the sky. This is such a fun spring theme for letters.

Free Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste  -All 26 letters of the alphabet in a mix of letters in order and a mix of letters - 10 pages of printables - 3Dinosaurs.com #3dinosaurs #nopreprintable #freeprintable #ABCs #prek #kindergarten

Things to use with the Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste Printable

Ways to Use the Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste Printable

I’m going to show you a simple way that we use this printable. You can use the page that works best for you.

Cut off the Uppercase Letters

You can start with the letters attached to the page or cut off. I find for younger kids that cutting off first works better. And older kids do a great job cutting on their own.

Free Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste  -All 26 letters of the alphabet in a mix of letters in order and a mix of letters - 10 pages of printables - 3Dinosaurs.com #3dinosaurs #nopreprintable #freeprintable #ABCs #prek #kindergarten

Cut Out letters and Paste The Letters

You cut out the uppercase letters on the side. Then you match the uppercase letters and the lowercase letters on the page.

Free Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste  -All 26 letters of the alphabet in a mix of letters in order and a mix of letters - 10 pages of printables - 3Dinosaurs.com #3dinosaurs #nopreprintable #freeprintable #ABCs #prek #kindergarten

Color the ABC Matching Page

After you are done you can color the page. Or you could color before you start. This is a great want to finish up the matching worksheet.

Free Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste  -All 26 letters of the alphabet in a mix of letters in order and a mix of letters - 10 pages of printables - 3Dinosaurs.com #3dinosaurs #nopreprintable #freeprintable #ABCs #prek #kindergarten

Looking for more Rain Themed ABC Printables?

If you are looking for more rain ABC printables to go with this alphabet matching activity then you can grab the Rain themed ABC Find! It is a great way to trace and find letters.

Easy No-Prep Rain ABC Letter Find - easy no-prep printables with a fun raindrop theme 52 pages with uppercase and lowercase $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Rain ABC Letter Find

Uppercase and lowercase themed ABC finds for kids to work on their letters. You can trace the letter then dot or color the sipder web.

Easy No-Prep Rain ABC Letter Find - easy no-prep printables with a fun raindrop theme 52 pages with uppercase and lowercase $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Rain ABC Letter Find:

  • All 26 letters in Uppercase and lowercase options
  • Tracing section for each letter
  • Several letters to dot on the raindrops
  • $3.50 for all 52 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

What you will find in the Free Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste

  • Raindrop themed Alphabet printables
  • All 26 letters of the alphabet in a cut and paste printables
  • 6 letters per page
  • 5 pages of letters in order
  • 5 pages of mixed letters
Free Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste  -All 26 letters of the alphabet in a mix of letters in order and a mix of letters - 10 pages of printables - 3Dinosaurs.com #3dinosaurs #nopreprintable #freeprintable #ABCs #prek #kindergarten

Check out these other rain printables

Rain ABC Find

Romping & Roaring U Pack: Letter U is for Umbrella

Spring Themed Number Color

Raindrop Ten Frame Addition

Check out all the fun Spring Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Spring Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Free Raindrop ABC Matching Cut & Paste  -All 26 letters of the alphabet in a mix of letters in order and a mix of letters - 10 pages of printables - 3Dinosaurs.com #3dinosaurs #nopreprintable #freeprintable #ABCs #prek #kindergarten

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