Rock & Water Bead Sensory Bin
Sensory bins have become a staple sensory play at our house. We are always switching them up or changing them often.
We have been doing a summer theme and one of our favorite summer activities has been collecting rocks the different places we have gone.
Now we have a new sensory bin with our rocks and water beads together.
We have a nice collection of polished rocks. We have done a few sensory bins with them: rocks and rice, rock and rocks, and rock and sand.
Now we have them with one of our favorite sensory fillers water beads.
What you need for this sensory bin:

Once you start playing with this sensory bin all the rocks sink to the bottom of the bin and it was run to dig around and find them in the water. It was great to hear the sounds the rocks made and they moved their hands around in the sensory bin.
It is great for feeling the different textures of the smooth rocks and the water beads together.

One fun activity they did was to pick a color of rock and dig through the water to find all of that color.
sorting by color. They head the rocks in one hand and searched with the other.

One activity they always love to do with water bead sensory bins is to search for all the items that I have put in the bin. they had a blast searching for all the rocks. They closed their eyes so they did it only by feel.

I gave them a bin to put the rocks in after they found them. The ideas to was to try and only put rocks in the bin and no water beads.

One activity they had fun doing was transferring water bead and rocks from one set of hands to another and seeing how many beads and rocks they had after doing it several times. We had run with this one. We also had loads of runaway water beads to collect.

This bin was super easy to set and and loads of fun to play in!
Check out some of our other camping themes:
- Mini Camping Themed Sequencing & Summer Sequencing Sets
- Going Hiking Easy Reader Book
- Great Sensory Play With Camping Themed Slime
Cassie –