School Gross Motor Set For Kids
It is back to school time, and returning to the school routine can be hard. And a little gross motor can help take care of the wiggles.
This school gross motor set has six fun movements for kids to do with gross motor dice, gross motor task cards, and gross motor mats.
You can use these in centers, in groups, or at home.
This is a great addition to the gross motor printables and school printables on the site.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
What is Gross Motor?
It is big movements using parts of the body like legs, arms, and torso. This can include running, jumping, moving arms or legs, crawling, and more!
Gross motor can be loads of fun!
Why use theme gross motor activities?
I like themed gross motor activities because it is different from other gross motor activities. It changes how you do the movement, and kids can have fun relating to the themes in the set.
School Gross Motor Set
The School gross motor set has several parts the movements, the speed dice, number dice, gross motor rolling mats, spinning chart, and gross motor task cards.
Your movements are chair, bus, crayon, book, scissors, and backpack.
The gross motor dice let kids see what movement will come next.
The gross motor rolling mats make it fun to see what movement they will do next! You have several gross motor mat options.
Then you can add speed and numbers to the movement as well. The speed dice allow them to be a little silly with the movements.
Also great when you only have a short amount of time and want to get those wiggles out! And it is fun!
You have a full set of school gross motor activities together or in small groups.

You can get all 19 pages of School Gross Motor Printables for $3.
Book to Use with the School Gross Motor Set
A fun book to read with the gross motor dice is There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed Some Books. It is a great back to school book to read.
Things to use with the School Gross Motor Set Printable
These are all items we used with the school Gross Motor Set.
The Different Parts of the School Gross Motor Set Printable
School Gross Motor Movements
You can see the different movements below for the school gross motor printable set. Just remember these are suggestions for each move and you can let kids be creative with them as well.
Chair Gross Motor Movement
You sit in a chair.
You are going to pretend you are sitting in a chair without a chair. This is a great movement for the legs.
Bus Gross Motor Movement
You are going to climb the stairs on the bus.
You pretend to climb up the stairs with high knees.
Crayon Gross Motor Movement
You scribble like a crayon.
You can make this as silly as you want. You can move your arms like scribbling. You can move your body like it is the crayon. Lots of fun ways to do this one.
Book Gross Motor Movement
You open your arms like a book.
You will have your arms out straight in front of you with palms together and open your arms wide to act like opening a book.
Scissors Gross Motor Movement
You are going to move your legs like scissors.
You sit on the floor with your legs out front and move the legs apart and then back together.
Backpack Gross Motor Movement
You pretend to put on a backpack.
You can pretend the shoulder straps for the movement or pick up the backpack and put it on.
School Gross Motor Dice
You have three sets of dice. You have the school gross motor movements, the speed dice, and the number dice.
You can use all three or any combination of the three dice with the gross motor movements.
The dice come in cube dice or folding dice. The size of the cube dice cards is 3×3 inches.

School Gross Motor Rolling Mats
You have two gross motor rolling mats. You have a single page and a double. You can see the dice on the side with your gross motor movements.
The single chart you can see if you can do all 6 movements. You roll the dice and do the movement.
The double gross motor rolling mat has you cover the movement you did and the second roll of that dice has a second movement.

Gross Motor Task Cards
You have all six movements on a cards with the number of times you do that movement. This make a great gross motor center. You can do the movements in order and the amount on each card. There are 8 cards in total to use.

School Gross Motor Movement Spinning
You have a spinning movement gross motor activity. It has two spinners. One for the movement and one for how many times you do the movements.

What you will find in the School Gross Motor Set
This is a full set with gross motor dice, gross motor chart, rolling games, and gross motor task cards. Loads of fun ways to explore the school themed movements that can work for many different settings.
What is in the School Gross Motor Set
- Gross motor movement dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Speed dice with folding and two cube dice options
- Number dice with 1 to 12 options with folding and two cube dice options
- School Gross Motor Movement Chart
- School Gross Motor Spinning Mat
- School Gross Motor Movement Task Cards with 6 cards total
- Rolling School Gross Motor – Single Movement
- Rolling School Gross Motor – Two movements to match each die roll
- 22 pages
- Price: $3.00
More School Printables
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Book Activities Pack: Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs & Numbers is a great way to work on loads of fun skills with a great themed that all work together nicely. It has easy reader books, clip cards, tracing strips and no-prep pages.
No-Prep School ABCs, Numbers & Shapes has 30 pages of activities for kids to work on ABCs, numbers and shapes. Every day you can use a new page.
School Dot The Letter & Trace the Sentence is a great way to work on lowercase letter and ABCs.
School Supplies Themed Number Tracing Strips has numbers 0 to 20 with tracing numerical number for kids to trace. A great number handwriting worksheets.
Check out all the fun School Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –