Mini Sequencing: Making Thanksgiving Dinner
Thanksgiving is just around the corner. A lot of people have already made plans or are making plans for Thanksgiving dinner. When I asked what people made for the meal and the other everyone had something different to say. It is fun to see how different we all are.
I still wanted to make a sequencing set for Thanksgiving dinner. I just wanted it to be one that everyone could use. So today I have a free mini Thanksgiving Dinner Sequencing set that is just a little different.
The mini set has 5 parts to it clip cards, writing page, cut & paste page, 3 part cards, and mini book. The set works with the words first, second, third, and fourth.
With this mini set, you can mix it up any way you want how to make Thanksgiving dinner.
We started with the clip cards. This allows kids to pick the order of that things are cooked.

You can then use the clip cards to fill out the 3 part cards. They have guidelines of them to write in the words first, second third and fourth.

You can then use the cards to help put with your writing pages or the book. In the book, you have 6 pages. Only the first and last pages are numbered. The rest can go in any order. Have them write you first, second, third, and fourth. Then put the book together. Or you can put the book in a certain order an have them fill in the words as they read the book.

The writing pages are fun as well. You can write the pages from your book or they can write their own. This is really simple and easy to do. There is a single page or a cut and paste page they can use to make the order of dinner.

The last page in the set is a cut and paste for just the order of the dinner.

If you are looking for more Thanksgiving Sequencing check out the Cooking a Turkey, Making Pumpkin Pie, and First Thanksgiving.
What you will find in these free printables
- 8 pages of printables
- Clip cards, writing pages, cut & paste, and mini book
- 3 Part Cards
- Writing Page for first, second, third, fourth
- Cut and Paste Pictures for 1, 2, 3, 4
- Mini easy reader book
Looking for more Thanksgiving Printables & Activities. Be sure to check all of them out!
Cassie –