Sequencing: Shark Life Cycle Printable
Watching Shark Life Cycle Sequencing is a great story that you can use with kids about sharks. And this watching shark life cycle sequencing set works on telling the life cycle in four parts.
You can write the story, read the story, put the events in order, and learn number order words in this fun sequencing set.
Kids will have fun with all the different options in the sequencing set, and they work great for different ages and abilities.

The Shark Life Cycle Printable Sequencing set is a great addition to the shark printables on the site.
What is Sequencing?
Sequencing refers to identifying the components of a story — the beginning, middle, and end — and the ability to retell the events in the order in which they occurred.
Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Printable
Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Printable is a retelling shark life cycle. You have four parts to the story. You have four parts to the story. You can retell the story in this fun set.
Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Set has a collection of:
– Shark Life Cycle Sequencing 3 Part Cards
– Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Clip Cards
– Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Writing
– Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Cut and Paste
– Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Easy Reader Book with Matching Writing.
Plus, the Shark Life Cycle Set come in all different word types and themes for kids at different learning levels. The Shark Life Cycle Set works great for prek (age 4 to 5), kindergarten (ages 5 to 6), and first grade (6 to 7).

You can get all 27 pages of Shark Life Cycle Sequencing printable for $2.50
Things to use with these Shark Life Cycle Printable
These are the most common items we use when preparing and using these printables.
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- laminator
- laminating pouches
- clothespins
- fine line markers
- crayons
Shark Life Cycle Books
Here are a few shark life cycle books that you can check out. They are great for reading about the shark life cycle.
- The Life Cycle of a Shark
- My Life as a Great White Shark
- Lifecycles – Pup To Shark
- How to Survive as a Shark
A Look at all the pages the Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Printables
You shall see the different parts of the life cycle of a shark with different sequencing printables to use.
Shark Life Cycle Clip Cards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Printables
You shark clip cards for ordinal numbers for the shark life cycle. You could cut the cards out or you can keep the clip cards together and have them clip each number.
You can see the shark life cycle with order numbers below with mini clothespins for the clipping.

Shark Life Cycle Task Cards Printables
Yo have a set of task cards for kids to clip the order of the events. This works great for kids who know their numbers but need to work on order of events without extra distractions.
You can use clothespins with number written on them for clipping. Or you could laminate the card and have kids write the number or the order of events.

Shark Life Cycle 3 Part Cards Sequencing Printables Printables
You have several shark sequencing cards that also work as 3 part cards. You can use one set for working on the order and another for 3 part cards to match picture, order to the cards.
These shark life cycle 3 part cards come in three different order versions. These three versions let you used what works best for your learning.
– 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
– first, second, third, fourth
– first, then, next, last
You could keep a set of the shark order cards to use with the writing for kids who need to see the order of events.

Shark Life Cycle Sequencing Clip Cards Printables
You have a set of shark life cycle sequencing clip cards. You have two options for this type of card. These cards match up with some of the shark life cycle 3 part cards.
You can use the shark life cycle clip cards wording that works best for you. You have the following wording:
– first, second, third, fourth
– first, then, next, last

The Shark Life Cycle Writing Page with and Without Word Bank Printables
You have writing worksheets for kids. You can use these with the shark life cycle 3 part cards or with any of the shark printable in the set.
You have two different options for the shark life cycle writing worksheets:
– first, second, third, fourth
– first, then, next, last
You have an option that just have has the beginning words, or a writing worksheet with a word bank on the side.

Shark Life Cycle Writing Page for with Cut and Paste Pictures Printables
You have a shark life cycle writing worksheet where you can cut and paste the order of events. This is a great way for them to match the order of events and the word that go with those order of events.
You have two different options for the shark life cycle cut and paste writing pages with:
– first, second, third, fourth
– first, then, next, last

Shark Life Cycle Cut and Paste Pictures for 1, 2, 3, 4 Printables
You can work on the order of events with just a simple cut and paste worksheet. You have the number order 1, 2, 3, 4 and matching pictures that kids can cut and paste onto the order of events.

Shark Life Cycle Cut and Paste Pictures for first, second, third, fourth Printables
You have a cut and paste worksheet with the ordinal words for first, second, third, fourth that kids cut and paste the correct picture to the words.

Shark Life Cycle Cut and Paste Pictures & Sentences for 1, 2, 3, 4 Printables
You have a cut and paste that has a picture of the order of events and then a sentence about the sharks life cycle picture that matches.
This is great for seeing the sentence and picture and matching to the correct order of events.

Shark Life Cycle Writing & Tracing Worksheets that goes along with the Easy Reader Book Printables
You have writing worksheets that work great with the book. You have a version with the pictures on the side and the sequencing beginning words that match the book: first, second, third, fourth.
You have another version that does not have the pictures but has the word order first, second, third, fourth.
You have a tracing option for the sentences or a writing option the sentence option.

Shark Life Cycle Easy Reader Book Printable
You have a 6 page easy reader book. You have the shark life cycle in four parts in the book. This works great with any of the shark life cycle printables in the sequencing pack.
You can read the book before starting any of the sequencing printables in the shark life cycle pack.

Sequencing: Shark Life Cycle
You have a fun pack of activities for sequencing Shark Life Cycle. You have a clip cards, task cards, 3 part cards, writing and an easy reader book. These all work on telling the shark life cycle in four parts.

What you will find in the Sequencing: Shark Life Cycle Pack
- Shark Life Cycle Clip Cards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
- Shark Life Cycle Task Cards
- Shark Life Cycle 3 Part Cards for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
- Shark Life Cycle Clip Cards for first, second, third, fourth
- Shark Life Cycle 3 Part Cards for first, second, third, fourth
- Shark Life Cycle Clip Cards for first, then, next, last
- Shark Life Cycle 3 Part Cards for first, then, next, last
- Shark Life Cycle Writing Page for first, second, third, fourth
- Shark Life Cycle Writing Page for first, second, third, fourth with a word bank
- Shark Life Cycle Writing Page for first, then, next, last
- Shark Life Cycle Writing Page for first, then, next, last with a word bank
- Shark Life Cycle Writing Page for first, second, third, fourth with cut and paste pictures
- Shark Life Cycle Writing Page for first, then, next, last with cut and paste pictures
- Shark Life Cycle Cut and Paste Pictures for 1, 2, 3, 4
- Shark Life Cycle Cut and Paste Pictures for first, second, third, fourth
- Shark Life Cycle Cut and Paste Pictures & Sentences for 1, 2, 3, 4
- Shark Life Cycle Writing Page that goes along with the Easy Reader Book
- Shark Life Cycle Tracing Page that goes along with the Easy Reader Book
- Shark Life Cycle Easy Reader Book Single Print
- Shark Life Cycle Easy Reader Book Teacher Print
- 31 pages
- Price: $2.50
More Shark Printables for kids
Shark Weekly Packs has five days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. The Summer No-Prep packs are great for summer review or fun shark week printables.
Shark Activity Pack: Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs & Numbers is a great set of activities that work together with a shark theme. You have a mix of no-prep shark worksheet, shark easy reader books, shark tracing strips, and shark clip cards! All of these shark printables work great together in a shark learning center. This is great shark activities for preschool and kindergarten.
Shark Fin CVC Words Break the Code is a great way to work on CVC words that end with the letter n. You have three CVC words for each vowel sound.
Shark Color Pack works on learning 11 color words with clip cards, easy reader books tracing strips, worksheets and other color words. It is a fun activity you can do!
Check out all the fun Shark Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie –