Easy No-Prep Shark ABC Letter Find Printable
Sharks are one of my most requested summer printables. The Shark ABC Letter Find is great for those shark loving kids in the summer.
You have a fun and easy way to work on one letter at a time with the letter case you need. Or just work on the whole alphabet one page at a time.
Everyone loves the seasonal letter finds. They give kids a fun new way to work on letters or review their letters.
The shark alphabet letter find printable is a great way to work on tracing and finding letters. Plus is a great addition to the shark printables, Ocean printables, and ABC letter find printables on the site.
Why Use Letter Finds?
One of the reasons that I love letters finds is that it helps kids learn the difference between the letter they are working on mixed in with other letters.
It allows them to learn to scan a page to find them. They start to recognized the letters they are looking for and other letters as well.
Shark ABC Letter Find Printable
Kids can trace the letter and then find the letter on the shark fins. It is an easy way to work on letters and having fun.
Each of the pages in this find focuses on one letter at a time. This makes it easy to work on just the letter you are working on.
Shark Lowercase ABC Letter Find Printable
You can see that this page below is just a lowercase letter find. There are letters to trace and then find on the shark fins.

Shark Uppercase ABC Letter Find Printable
This is an example of the uppercase letter page. You can see several uppercase letters to trace and then find on the shark fins below. It is similar to the lowercase.

Click here to buy your copy of the Shark ABC Find at Teachers Pay Teachers.
Click here to buy your copy of the Shark Find Bundle at Teachers Pay Teachers
Things to use wit the Shark ABC letter Find printable
These are just a few items that we have used with the shark themed finds. It gives a mix of hands-on and no-prep options.
- printer
- copy paper
- dot marker
- fine line markers
- crayons
- sheet protectors
- dry erase markers
- Under the Sea Ocean Counters
- mini erasers
Ways to use the Shark ABC Letter Find printables
You will see a few fun ways to use the Shark ABC letter find printables.
Dot Marker the letters of the Shark Fin
I love using dot marker on these pages. We have loved using dot markers for a long time. You can track the letters with a marker
and the dot the letters. Super easy and fun for kids.

Reuse the Shark Alphabet Letter Find Printable
If you want to reuse the pages you can laminate them or put them in sheet protectors
. Then use a dry erase markers for the tracing and hands-on items for the find part. You can see we use the sharks from the Under the Sea Ocean Counters

Find and Circle the letters on the Shark Fins
You can also just use a crayon to trace and circle the letters. This works in tracing and a different skill to find and draw the circle.

No-Prep Shark ABC Find
Uppercase and lowercase themed alphabet finds for kids to work on their letters. You can trace the letter then dot or color the shark fins.
What you will find in the Shark ABC Letter Find Printable:
- All 26 letters of the alphabet in Uppercase and lowercase options
- Tracing section for each letter
- Several letters to dot on the shark fins
- 52 pages of printables
- Price: $3.50
Click here to buy your copy of the Shark ABC Find at Teachers Pay Teachers.
Click here to buy your copy of the Shark Find Bundle at Teachers Pay Teachers
If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.
More Shark Printables for Kids
Shark Weekly Packs has five days of printables with 4 pages for each day. You have Prek, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. The Summer No-Prep packs are great for summer review or fun shark week printables.
Shark Themed ABC and Number Wall Cards are great to display during the summer. They are great to see letter formation and number formation as well.
Shark Easy Reader Book for Kids is a great book with 7 different shark for kids to learn the names and color the pictures. It is a great prek and kindergarten shark book.
Shark Activity Pack: Prewriting, Shapes, ABCs & Numbers is a great set of activities that work together with a shark theme. You have a mix of no-prep shark worksheet, shark easy reader books, shark tracing strips, and shark clip cards! All of these shark printables work great together in a shark learning center. This is great shark activities for preschool and kindergarten.
Hands-On Shark ABC Matching Printable is a matching activity for letters with uppercase and lowercase letters. You have picture to match the beginning sounds with uppercase letters and lowercase letters on shark finds.
Check out all the fun Shark Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.
Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com