Shark Skip Counting Set – Skip Counting Printables from 2 to 12
Skip counting can be made fun for Shark Week with a Shark Counting Pack. The shark counting pack is a great way to work on skip counting from 2 to 12.
You have shark skip counting cut and paste worksheets, shark skip counting number line bookmarks, shark skip counting task cards, shark skip counting mats, and shark skip counting puzzles.
You have five fun skip counting printables that work great together to help with skip counting. It is a great set to work with a range of different skip counting skills.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
This is a great addition to the shark math printables and ocean math printables on the site.
What is Skip Counting?
Skip counting is working on adding the same number over and over. You have a pattern of adding or counting.
So if you skip counting by 2s, you have a pattern like 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so forth. These patterns can be repeated for many numbers.
The most often numbers used are 2 through 12. And that is what these printables work on is numbers 2 through 12 skip counting.
Shark Skip Counting Set
This set of Shark skip counting printables is a great way to work on skip counting with a mix of no-prep skip counting worksheets, skip counting task cards, shark skip counting 10 piece puzzles, shark skip counting mats, and shark skip counting number line bookmarks.
You have shark skip counting printables for skip counting by 2, skip counting by 3, skip counting by 4, skip counting by 5, skip counting by 6, skip counting by 7, skip counting by 8, skip counting by 9, skip counting by 10, skip counting by 11, and skip counting by 12.
You can grab the Shark Skip Counting Pack in my store for $4.
Things to use with the Shark Skip Counting Set Printable
- printer
- white copy paper
- white cardstock
- pencil
- markers
- clear glass gems
- clear glass gems
- clear counters
- rings
Ways to Use the Shark Skip Counting Set Printable
You are going to see a few ways that we have used the shark skip counting pack. You can find fun ways to use this differently.
Shark Skip Counting Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks
You have super fun skip counting number line bookmarks. Bookmarks are a great tool to use with kids and plus these have sharks on them to make them fun for kids.

Shark Skip Counting Cut & Paste Worksheets
The shark skip counting cut and paste worksheet for skip counting are so much fun. You have a set of numbers at the bottom to put in order from the first nubmer to the last number.

You can cut and paste and put the skip counting numbers in order. Each skip counting worksheet only works on one number at a time.

Shark Skip Counting: 10 Piece Puzzles
You have 11 skip counting puzzle. Each puzzle skip counts ten times, and they have 11 different sharks for each puzzle. A fun and different shark theme.

There is also a puzzle building mat to use with the skip counting puzzle.
Shark Skip Counting Task Cards
You have a set of task cards for each skip counting numbers. You have a set of cards with numbers on them with fun sharks.

And a set of cards with questions asking about skip counting and how many times.

You can use these as a matching card games or use them as help on the skip counting mats. You have a set for each nubmer skip counting from 2 to 12.

Shark Skip Counting Skip Counting Mat
You have fun skip counting mats with shark fins with the skip counting numbers. Each shark skip counting mat skip counts 12 times. These are great for skip counting review and skip counting math centers.

You can use small items to cover the numbers. If you have shark erasers or shark counters, they work great as well.

And yes, you can use the task cards for them to find and cover the numbers.

Shark Skip Counting Set Selling Set
Shark theme set with shark no-prep worksheets, shark skip counting mats, shark kip counting 10 piece puzzles, and shark task cards to work on skip counting from 2 to 12
What you will find in the Shark Skip Counting Set
- Shark Skip Counting from 2 to 12
- Shark Skip Counting Worksheets 2 to 12
- Shark Skip Puzzles 10 piece puzzles for 2 to 12
- Shark Skip Counting Shark Fin Mats 2 to 12
- Shark Skip Counting Cards to use with Matching Skip Counting Task Cards
- Shark Skip Counting Task Cards Recording Sheet
- Shark Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks
- Pages: 63
- Price: $4
Cassie –