Shark Themed Greater Than – Less Than Sorting

It is shark week and it is always fun to have something new for it! There are always loads of math that people are working on during the summer. And I know that love fun new things.

Today I have an easy to use shark sorting printable for greater than and less than. You get to sort sharks and have fun learning while doing it.

Free Shark Themed Greater Than - Less Than Sorting - with math sharks and recording sheet with 4 levels of sharks: numbers, addition, double digits and multiplication -

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

This s a great addition to the ocean printables and shark printables on the site.

I wanted this set to be usable by many different levels. So there are four different sets of sharks to use. You have single-digit numbers, addition, two-digit numbers, and multiplication. That way the mat can be used for a long time and people with a mix of kids can use them!

I recommend printing on white cardstock and laminating the sharks and mat to help them last longer.

Free Shark Themed Greater Than - Less Than Sorting - with math sharks and recording sheet with 4 levels of sharks: numbers, addition, double digits and multiplication -

There is also a recording sheet and sorting mat that can be used with all 4 sets of cards. the recording sheet has space for the two numbers and coloring of greater than, equal, and less than. The sorting mat has areas for sorting the sharks by where they belong.

Free Shark Themed Greater Than - Less Than Sorting - with math sharks and recording sheet with 4 levels of sharks: numbers, addition, double digits and multiplication -

How we use the Shark Themed Greater Than – Less Than Sorting

There are many ways to use this set. Each of the sharks has a space that you can write the symbols on with dry erase markers.

Free Shark Themed Greater Than - Less Than Sorting - with math sharks and recording sheet with 4 levels of sharks: numbers, addition, double digits and multiplication -

You can also sort the sharks to the mat. So that each shark goes to the right column. The mat has space for each shark in its column.

Free Shark Themed Greater Than - Less Than Sorting - with math sharks and recording sheet with 4 levels of sharks: numbers, addition, double digits and multiplication -

You can also just use the sharks as task cards and recording them on the sheet. You can use the sheet with all 4 sets of cards. We used dot marker with these pages.

As an example, you can solve the multiplication on the sheet and then dot the correct answers for the numbers.

Free Shark Themed Greater Than - Less Than Sorting - with math sharks and recording sheet with 4 levels of sharks: numbers, addition, double digits and multiplication -

What you will find the Shark themed Greater Than – Less Than Sorting

  • 1 sorting mat with greater than, equal and less than sorting areas
  • 1 recording sheet
  • Sharks for sorting with numbers 0 to 9
  • Sharks for sorting with addition to 9
  • Sharks for sorting with two digit numbers
  • Sharks for sorting with multiplication
  • 6 pages of printables
Free Shark Themed Greater Than - Less Than Sorting - 4 card sets to sort with numbers, addition and multiplication with sorting mat and recording sheet  -

Check out these other shark activities and printables:

Looking for more Beach and Ocean Printables and Activities check out all of them!

Ocean & Beaches Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs -

Cassie –

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