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Free Skip Counting Desk Help & Number Line Bookmarks

Skip counting is a skill that kids learn early and works into so many different types of math. I’ve used may activities to work on skip counting and one we have not done tons with is skip counting number lines. I wanted to have some fun with them.

So, I made some skip counting help charts to help your kids see the numbers on a number plus skip counting bookmarks for each number. Two easy way to work on skip counting numbers.

These skips counting help printables are great for kids in first grade, second grade and third grade. And you could use for help for struggling kids in fourth grade.

Free Skip Counting Desk Help & Number Line Bookmarks - help desk pages for 2 to 12 or 2 to 15 plus skip counting number line bookmarks for 1 to 12 or 1 to 15  - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Skip Counting Desk Help & Number Line Bookmarks are a great addition to the skip counting printables on the site.

The Skip Counting Desk Help & Number Line Bookmarks printable is a part of my subscriber library. You can click here to subscribe to get access to the page.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

What is Skip Counting?

Skip counting is working on adding the same number over and over. You have a pattern of adding or counting.

So if you skip counting by 2s, you have a pattern like, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and so forth. These patterns can be repeated for many numbers.

The most often numbers used are 2 through 12. And that is what these printables work on is numbers 2 through 12 skip counting.

Skip Counting Desk Help & Number Line Bookmarks Printables

I wanted to have some fun with these printables. I know at times we just need help with skip counting or multiplication or any other fun skill. I like have help charts for kids to use. So we have these new ones!

This set has two number sets: 1 to 12 and 1 to 15. I always get requests for more 1 to 15 for those that need it. A lot of the post will feature the 1 to 12 because it is what we use but there is the 1 to 15 option.

The Skip Counting Desk Help and Skip Counting Number line Bookmarks are great for kids in first grade (ages 6 to 7), second grade (ages 7 to 8) and third grade (ages 8 to 9).

Skip Counting Desk Help Printables

There is a skip counting help desk chart. This works great in math binders and you can pull out for when you need it.

The free skip counting help desk comes in color and black and white. The color one is to make it look fancy for them to look at. The black and white is great for printing on color cardstock in different colors.

Free Skip Counting Desk Help & Number Line Bookmarks - help desk pages for 2 to 12 or 2 to 15 plus skip counting number line bookmarks - 3Dinosaurs.com

Skip Counting Number Line Bookmark Printables

The skip counting number line bookmarks work hand in hand with the desk helps. They are just a cut out to have a single set of skip counting on a line. I have them printed on color cardstock and laminated. I also store them on a 1 inch ring.

Free Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks - skip counting number line bookmarks for 1 to 12 or 1 to 15 plus  - 3Dinosaurs.com

How to use the Skip Counting Help Desk

The desk help is great to have as an all in one resource. You will have to trim the 2 to 15 version to put them all together. I did not want to make it any smaller. I liked to be able to read the numbers. When I put them all on a single page it made it hard to see the numbers. You can see how you can use the colored paper.

Free Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks - skip counting number line bookmarks for 1 to 12 or 1 to 15 plus  - 3Dinosaurs.com

I love having these in a math binder that they can go used and look at. I put them in a sheet protector and store it in the binder. We can pull out the page as we need them.

Free Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks - skip counting number line desk help in a binder  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Now the number line bookmarks are great because a lot of kids learn number lines and seeing the numbers on the lines help them skip count. You can have them point to the numbers on the line and say them as they go up the line.

Free Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks - skip counting number line bookmarks for 1 to 12 or 1 to 15 plus  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Another fun activity is to use clothespins to cover some of the numbers and then do the skip counting and see if they remember the numbers. They can mix up the numbers and do it.

Free Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks - skip counting number line bookmarks for 1 to 12 or 1 to 15 plus - see how to use clothespins on the bookmarks - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can also have them match up mini multiplication cards to the numbers. (PS the mini multiplication cards are new!)

Free Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks - skip counting number line bookmarks for 1 to 12 or 1 to 15  - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Free Skip Counting Help Desk Printables

  • Single page with skip counting 1 to 12 or 1 to 15 color and black and white
  • Two sets of Skip Counting Number Line Bookmarks
  • 13 pages of printables
Free Skip Counting Desk Help & Number Line Bookmarks - help desk pages for 2 to 12 or 2 to 15 plus skip counting number line bookmarks for 1 to 12 or 1 to 15  - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out these other Skip Counting Printables For Kids

Check out all the fun Skip Counting Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Skip Counting Activities

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


    1. As stated in the post. This is a subscriber freebie. You can get the password to the download page after you confirm the subscription to the newsletters. You can sign up here: https://www.3dinosaurs.com/subscribe

      After you subscribe you enter the password on the same page above. And then it is in the skip counting section.

      1. I have newly subscribed and no password received!! This grandma is truly trying would be a great way to teach my grandson

          1. Hi! I’m not even getting the option to sign up for the newsletter at all. It says ” sign up below” but there is no link, no field to type in my email address, nothing. Help?

          2. Ok, so I just clicked on “Contact” and saw the link to the newsletter page (which has nowhere to sign up for the newsletter), and another link as an alternate place to sign up. THAT link does work and takes you to your email list signup, so I entered my info there… but still, there is nowhere on the newsletter page to sign up. Just thought I’d let you know my findings 🙂

  1. Hi Cassie!

    Did you ever create a number line division bookmark or just the skip counting one above? I believe I’m losing it because I thought I saw one. Although I could have dreamed it! Hahahah

    Thank you very much, Mimi

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