
Snowflake Q-Tip Painting Craft For Kids

Snowflakes and winter is a favorite for me! I love it! I could just watch snowflakes fall from the sky all day long.

This snowflake q-tip painting project is a fun way to make snowflakes falling from the sky.

And I love when you can mix in different ways to make the snowflakes.

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

What is Cookie Cutter Painting?

Painting with a cookie cutter is an easy craft for kids to do. This gives a template, and the results are loads of fun.

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting Craft

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting Craft is a mixed art with watercolors for the background and white paint with snowflake cookie cutters to make a fun winter snowflake painting fo rkids.

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Book We Read with the Snowflake Q-Tip Painting Craft

We love the book Snow (Sunburst Books). We have been reading it for years. We read it at least one a year. I love that you start with with snowflake and get so many more. This was the book we read for this snowflake project.

Snow: (Caldecott Honor Book) (Sunburst Books)

What you need for this Snowflake Painting Activity

These are all the items we use to make project. You can find all these items on Amazon.

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

How to make the Q-tip Painted snowflake Craft

We start off by making the background blue. We used watercolor and watercolor paper for this. If you have younger kids you can skip this step and just use a paper that is blue already.

We used a wide brush to paint the paper with water. You can start this way to make it easier to spread the watercolor.

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Then we use a mix of blues to make the background. The fun part of using watercolors is that you can blends all the colors together to make different colors of blue.

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

You place the cookie cutter on your paper. You can place it anywhere you want. You hold it in place with one hand.

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Then you use a q-tip to paint inside the cookie cutter. You spread the paint all over inside the cookie cutter.

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Then you move the cookie cutter or get a different snowflake cookie cutter and keep painting!

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Here is a look at our Q-tip Painted Snowflakes

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out these other Snowflake Crafts and Activities For Kids

Watercolor & Oil Pastel Snowflakes Painting

Snowflake Paper Plate Wreath

Washi Tape Snowflakes

Snowflake Sensory Bin

Plank Board Snowflake

Check out all the fun Winter & Snow Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Winter & Snow Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowflake Q-Tip Painting - a fun mixed art project that kids can do to paint snowflakes - 3Dinosaurs.com

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