
Snowflake Sensory Bin: Fine Motor Fun

Snowflakes are a great theme for the winter. They come in all shapes and sizes. This sensory bin was tons of fun to explore and look at the different textures and weights of all items in the bin. This is also a great white themed sensory bin as well.

We did a lot of fun fine motor activities with this bin that was all lead by what she wanted to do with the bin. Sensory bins are a great child lead activities because they change up how they want to do it each time. For us my girls never play the same way with any sensory bin.

Snowflake Sensory Bin: Fine Motor Fun - 3Dinosaurs.com

We read the book Snow (Sunburst Books). I love this book about how one small snowflakes leads to more snowflakes and lots of snow. It is a great book to read. It was perfect for our snowflake sensory bin.

What you need for this sensory bin: snowflakes button, white buttons, various white glass gems and cups.

Snowflake Sensory Bin: Fine Motor Fun - 3Dinosaurs.com

Sorting Items

When we started this activities she wanted some bins to sort out the items. I grabbed the bins for her. She sorted each of the items into the three different bins. She had fun putting the button through the slots dropping the snowflakes like it was snowing and gently placing the gems in the bins. She also took time to sort some of the three gems types.

Snowflake Sensory Bin: Fine Motor Fun - 3Dinosaurs.com

Fine Motor

Another fun activity she did was to place each of the items around the top of the bin. It took time to find the balance of the items. She loved this activity and it was her idea to do it. acch types of item from the sensory bin had to be balanced differently. It was tons of fun to watch her do this activity.

Snowflake Sensory Bin: Fine Motor Fun - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out these other winter activities:

Check out all the fun Winter & Snow Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Winter & Snow Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


  1. This is really a fun idea for a winter themed fine motor play session!

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