Snowman Number Sense Game for Numbers 1 to 20
The snowman Number Sense Game is a great way to work on numbers from 1 to 20 with number subitizing matching, number games and number worksheets.
You have matching the numbers, play a game with the number and find and record the numbers.
The Snowman Number Sense Game is a fun way to have a set of number printables for winter that can be used in many different ways.
We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.
The Snowman Number Sense Game Printables is a great addition to the winter printables on the site.
What is Subitizing?
Subitizing is the ability to recognize a small group of objects without counting. This would be with dots, dice, and tally marks as examples of groups of objects. Subitizing is part of the development of number sense.
Snowman Number Sense Game Printables
The Snowman Number Matching And Game activities have numerical numbers, including tally marks, dominos, number words, ten frames, and tens and ones to build a snowman. Plus, matching board games and recording worksheets to accompany the snowman matching activity.
I recommend printing on cardstock and laminating so you can use these over and over.
Snowman Heads with Numbers
You have snowman heads with numbers from 1 to 20. You can see the snowman on the hat on the snowman. You match the snowballs to these snowman heads.

Snowballs with Numbers for Subitizing
You have tally marks, dominos, number words, ten frames, and tens and one for each number. They help build the snowman with numbers.

Snowman Number Game Boards
You have four board games to go with the snowman number sense matching. You have 1 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 15 and 16 to 20 on the board games.
This allows you to work on lower numbers 1 to 10 and the teen numbers 11-20 with the same game.

Snowman Number Recording Worksheets
You have matching number recording worksheets that match snowman matching. You have a matching space for each of the snowballs for each snowman.
These can be used with or without the snowman or the game boards.

You can get the Snowman Number Sense Game for $3 in my store.
Things to use with the Snowman Number Sense Game Printables
Ways to Use the Snowman Number Sense Game Printable
You are going to see a few ways to use the snowman number game and the different parts.
Setting up the Snowman Number Sense Game
You can see a simple set up of the game below. we

How to Play the Snowman Number Sense Game
You can see the steps below to play the snowman number sense game.
Draw a Snowball Cards
You start by drawing a snowball cards and matching it to the correct snowman number. You can see that we pulled a snowball with two tally marks and placed it under snowman number 2.

Find the Number on the Snowman Number Board Game
Next you find the number on the board game. You can see we found the first number 2 on the game. Then you move your game piece to that spot. We are using mini erasers. They are loads of fun to use.

You Pull Numbers Until You Reach the End of the Game
You keep pulling snowballs and matching the numbers and then moving around the game board.
You do this until you read the end of the game. You can see below how one game turned out.

Using the Number Game and Number Worksheet
You can use the number worksheets with the game or without the game. You can fill the numbers on the worksheet and move around the number game.

Using the Snowman Matching and Worksheet
You will see a similar pay to the board game but with the number worksheet below.
Setting up the Snowman Number matching & Workshett
You can see how we set up the activity below. Each of the snowballs has a matching space on the number sense worksheet.

Pull a Snowball Cards
You pull a snowball card like shown above. You find the correct snowman and match the card.
Write the Number on the Matching Worksheet
You find the matching item from the snowball on the worksheet and then write in the number on the number sense worksheet.

Match All the Number Cards
You want to match all the number cards when you use the worksheet. When you are done the whole worksheet will be filled out.
Do the Number Sense Worksheet
You can also just do the number sense worksheet. You have four worksheets in the set. You can do the worksheet after you have finished learning the numbers.

Just Match the Snowman and Snowballs
You could match the snowman and snowballs and not worry about the game or the worksheet. That is what make this set so much fun as that there are options.
And you can use any mix of the numbers. You could start small and work up to more of the numbers.

Snowman Number Sense Game Printables
A Snowman number sense set that has matching, a game board and number sense worksheets that all work together on numbers 1 to 20.
What you will find in the Snowman Number Sense Game Printables
- Numbers 1 to 20
- Number sense matching with tally marks, dominos, number words, ten frames, and tens and ones
- Snowman head with numbers
- Snowballs with numbers to build snowman
- 4 Board Games with numbers 1 to 5, 6 to 10, 11 to 15, and 16 to 20
- 4 Number Recordings Worksheets that match the numbers on the snowballs
- 19 pages
- Price: $3
More Winter Number Printables for Kids
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Cassie –