
Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words

Shape finds are a great way to see how well kids know their shapes. You have a shape to find on the snowman with tracing of the shape.

Each shape find worksheet is made to help kids learn their shapes.

These are easy no-prep shape finds that work on shape words and geometric shapes. It is a great set that can be used as kids grow. You can start with the shape and work up to the shape word. And these are great for all winter long.

Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words with 12 shape for kids to learn about with tracing and finding the shapes. With two types of shape find printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Snowman Shape Find is a great addition to the winuter prinatbles and shape printables on the site.

What is a Shape Find for kids?

A shape find is where kids look and find a certain shape mixed with other shapes. Each shape find focuses on one shape at a time. it can be a geometric shape or a shape word.

You have 11 shapes in the firework shape find printables. They work on helping trace and write shapes and finding shapes.

You have the following shapes 12 shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus/diamond, oval, heart, star, crescent, hexagon, octagon

Snowman Geometic Find Printable

You have a line of geometric shapes to trace. Then you have several shapes on below for kids to find on the snowman. The shape they are working on is mixed in with other shapes on the shape find worksheet.

Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words with 12 shape for kids to learn about with tracing and finding the shapes. With two types of shape find printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Shape Word Find Printable

You have a shape word for kids to trace. Then they can find that shape work on the snowman below. All the words are shape words. This is a great way to see if they know other shapes and the shape word they are finding.

Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words with 12 shape for kids to learn about with tracing and finding the shapes. With two types of shape find printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can buy all 23 pages of the Snowman Shape Find Printables for $3.

Things to use with the Snowman Shape Find Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Snowman Shape Find Printable

You will see a few ways to use these snowman shape find worksheets. And remember that you can be flexible in how you use them. And they are great no-prep number worksheets for kids.

Use Dot Markers with the Snowman Shape Find Printable

You can use dot markers to dot the snapes on the snowman. You can dot just the shape or dot the shape and the snowman. You can see we traced the shape with a marker. This is super easy shape worksheet to do.

Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words with 12 shape for kids to learn about with tracing and finding the shapes. With two types of shape find printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Use Crayons on the Snowman Shape Find Printable

Crayons and markers are loads of fun on thes shape printables. You can color just the shape or shape and snowman. It turns out lots of fun for kids to do. It is a great way to get the fine motor of tracing the shape and then finding and coloring the shape.

Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words with 12 shape for kids to learn about with tracing and finding the shapes. With two types of shape find printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Reuse the Snowman Shape Find Printable

All of these shape worksheets are great for reusing. You can place any of the shape find worksheets in a sheet protector and then use dry erase markers and small items to cover the shape.

You can see we used mini erasers to cover the snowman. We find a lot of them at Target and Dollar Store. But you could use blue glass gems as well for the covering.

Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words with 12 shape for kids to learn about with tracing and finding the shapes. With two types of shape find printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Snowman Shape Find Printable

Easy shape fine worksheets to use with kids. You have shape tracing and finding. They cover shape words and geometric shapes and work great for wintertime.

Snowman Shape Find Printable with Geometric Shapes & Shape Words with 12 shape for kids to learn about with tracing and finding the shapes. With two types of shape find printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Snowman Shape Find Printable

  • 12 shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus/diamond, oval, heart, star, crescent, hexagon, octagon.
  • Tracing section for each shape and shape word
  • Several shapes to dot on the snowman
  • 26 pages
  • Price: $3

If you want to check out a free sample of this, you can go here to check out a sample of the pages.

More Snowman Printables For Kids

Snowman Shape Tracing Printable has 9 fun shapes for kids to work on tracing with a shape for the snowman’s head. It is a great no-prep shape printable for kids.

Snowman Weekly No-Prep Packs has weekly packs with a snowman theme. They have PreK, Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. You will find 4 pages of printables for each with. They are great for distance learning, homework, and morning work. They have a mix of math and language activities.

Snowman Pack For PreK & Kindergaten has 159 pages with hands-on, no-prep, easy reader books and more. With fun ABCs, numbers, prewriting, counting, blends, and more. Plus all the no-prep pages are teacher ready.

Snowman Ten Frame Sets has a set of ten frame activities that work on numbers 1 to 20. And there is snowflakes in the whole theme. You have a mix of easy reader books, clip cards, ten frame cards, worksheets and more.

Snowman Number Find Printable has numbers from 1 to 20 with options for numerical word and number word in the set. You can trade the numbers and the find the numbers on the snowman.

Check out all the fun Winter & Snow Activities & Printables on 3 Dinosaurs.

Winter & Snow Activities & Printables - 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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