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Free Fine Motor Fun With Space Shape Tracing Printable

Shapes are one of the fun activities to work on. I love that there are so many great shape ideas. And space makes a great them for shapes. A few years ago we did star shape playdough mats and loved them. I wanted to add something more to it.

So I made these fun free space shape tracing printables to work on more shapes with a space theme.

These space shape printables are great shape tracing worksheets with a fun space and shape theme for kids in preschool, prek, and kindergarten.

Free Fine Motor Fun With Space Shape Tracing - with 8 shapes for kids to trace and color. These are great for a space and shape activity for kids - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Space Shape Tracing Printable is an excellent addition to the shape printables and space printables on the site.

What are 2D Shape Tracing Worksheets?

2D shape tracing worksheets are printables that have flat 2d shapes for kids to trace. These are great fine motor tracing activities for kindergarten and prek.

Space Shape Tracing Worksheets

The space theme shape tracing worksheets have the following shapes to trace: circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle, diamond, rhombus, star, heart, and crescent.

Each of the space shape tracing pages has a shape to trace with stars around it. It is like each shape is a shape constellation that kids can trace. The stars add a great stop and start for working on shape tracing and great fine motor space activity.

The Space Shape Tracing Printables are great for kids in preschool (ages 3 to 4), prek (ages 4 to 5) and kindergarten (ages 5 to 6).

You can see an example of one of the space shape tracing pages below. You can see the shape with the stars and then you have shape word on the page as well.

Free Fine Motor Fun With Space Shape Tracing - with 8 shapes for kids to trace and color - 3Dinosaurs.com

Things to use with the Space Shape Tracing Printables

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

How we used these Space Themed Shape Tracing Printables

You are going to see a few ways that we have used the space shape tracing printables.

Trace & Color Space Shape Tracing Printables

The most basic way to use the space shape tracing printable is to color the stars yellow and trace them with black. I love this because you are making a shape themed constellation.

And the starts make great space for kids to start and stop tracing the shape. You can work on tracing from star to start instead of tracing the whole shape at one time.

Free Fine Motor Fun With Space Shape Tracing - with 10 shapes for kids to trace and color - 3Dinosaurs.com

Kids can color and trace the shapes with their favorite colors. It is fun to see what colors they pick. You could use crayons or markers for tracing the shapes and coloring the stars.

Free Fine Motor Fun With Space Shape Tracing - with 10 shapes for kids to trace and color - 3Dinosaurs.com

Hand-on Activity with the Space Shape Tracing Printables

You can use the space shape tracing printable as learning mats. This makes the shape tracing into another shape fine motor activity.

We love using erasers to color the shapes. We had some rocket ships that we picked up at target. But you can use any erasers. I recommend laminate the space shape printable if you plan on using it this way.

Free Fine Motor Fun With Space Shape Tracing - with 10 shapes for kids to trace and color - 3Dinosaurs.com

Reusing the Space Shape Tracing Printables

If you want to reuse the space shape tracing worksheets you can put them in a sheet protector and trace them with a dry erase marker. I have stored many pages like this and left them for my girls to use when they were younger.

Free Fine Motor Fun With Space Shape Tracing - with 10 shapes for kids to trace and color - 3Dinosaurs.com

Remember to also check out the space shape playdough mats! They work great with the space shape tracing worksheets.

More Space Shape Printables

After you are done and looking for more space themed shape activities check out the space themed shape find! it is a great way to work on tracing the shape and finding the shape on the planet.

Space themed shape find - with 12 shapes you can trace and find - easy to use no-prep printable $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

Space Shape Find

You have 12 different shapes to work on. They have the shape name and the shape to trace and then dot or color.

Space Shape Find - easy to use no-prep printable $ - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Space Shape Find printables:

  • 12 shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus/diamond, oval, heart, star, crescent, hexagon, octagon.
  • Tracing section for each shape and shape word
  • $3.00 for all 26 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the pages.

What you will find in the free Space Shape Tracing printables

  • Dotting shapes to trace with stars around them
  • Shapes to trace: circle, square, rectangle, oval, triangle, diamond, rhombus, star, heart, and crescent
  • 10 pages of printables
Free Space Shape Tracing Worksheets - 9 shapes for kids to work on with a fun constellation theme - 3Dinosaurs.com

More Space Printables

Hands-On Fun With Star Themed Shape Playdough Mats are some fun playdough mats for kids to work on shapes.

Space Activities Pack has 191 pages of prewriting, shapes, ABCs and numbers! It has a mix of no-prep, clip cards, easy reader books and tracing strips for kids to use.

Space Themed Finds: ABC, Number Shape & Sight Words are a fun way to look for and find ABC, Number Shape & Sight Words with tracing included.

Space ABC Find And Tracing Printables has uppercase and lowercase letter options for the ABC learning center.

Space Dot the Number & Count The Number is a great way to work on numbers 0 to 20. It comes in color and black and white.

Planet & Moon Themed Counting Mats: 1 to 10 has counting from 1 to 10 with a playdough mat and ten frame for counting.

Check out all the fun Space Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Space Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

Free Fine Motor Fun With Space Shape Tracing - with 8 shapes for kids to trace and color. These are great for a space and shape activity for kids - 3Dinosaurs.com


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