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A Fun Space Wreath Craft

Space is one of our favorite themes that we always seem to come back to. There are so many activities that you can do with it!

Lately, we have been making wreaths to decorate the house with. We love having them around the house! Today we have a space-themed wreath that is tons of fun to make and have around the house.

The Space Wreath is a great addition to any space activity you might be doing.

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

The Space Wreath is a great addition to the space crafts and wreath crafts on the site.

We looked through the How Many Planets Circle the Sun?: And Other Questions about Our Solar System (Good Question!) book about our solar system. We talked about what you would find in space. We talked about planets and stars and how may different types of planets could be out there that we just can’t see!

This leads us to making our fun space themed wreaths!

What You Need For This Space Themed Wreath:

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

How To Make the Space Theme Wreaths

Paint the Wreath Black

We used cotton balls to paint the wreath using black paint and black glitter paint. We mixed the two paints together to make the wreath have a fun black shiny color. After we painted the plates we set them aside for a day to dry.

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

Next You Make the Planets

We used one of the big circle punches to see how big of an area we needed to color for our planets.

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

We use the oil pastels to color our planets. We used different colors to make different themes for the planets. It was fun to see how creative everyone was.

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

Punch Out the Planets

Then we punched out the planets. You did not always get the punch lined up just right but that made it part of the fun. We used two sizes of punches to make two different sizes of planets.

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

Make the Stars

Then we punched out the stars. We used two sizes of star punches again and the yellow glitter scrapbook paper.

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

Finally Glue on the Stars and Planets to the Wreath

Finally, we glued the stars and planets on the wreath. You can put this in any order and it is looks great.

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

Here is a look at our final Space Wreath

A Fun Space Theme Wreath - make a paper plate wreath with a space theme that has planets and stars - 3Dinosaurs.com

Check out these other space activities

Night Sky Themed Wreath with a moon and stars theme.

Space Water Bead Sensory Bin is a great sensory play with space for kids.

Model Magic Planets is a great craft to make planets.

Handy Free Planet Information Bookmarks For Kids is a great way to explore the different planets.

Check out all the fun Space Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Space Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com


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