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Spring Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste & Puzzles

A great spring center and worksheet ideas for multiplication and division.

You have matching puzzles and puzzle mats for multiplication and division. Plus, there is a matching worksheet to use with the puzzles. This gives you a hands-on math activity plus a no-prep worksheet together.

You have match puzzles and then work on a matching no-prep worksheet for each multiplication and division number from 1 to 12.

This raindrop math bundle makes easy multiplication and division centers for third graders and a great math fact review for fourth graders.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

The Raindrop Multiplication & Division printable is a great addition to the spring math printables, multiplication printables, and division printables on the site.

What is a multiplication and division fact family?

A multiplication and division fact family is a set of four related multiplication and division facts that use the same three numbers.

You have two division equations and two multiplication equations.

An example of this would be
2 x 3 = 6
3 x 2 = 6
6 ÷ 2 = 3
6 ÷ 3 = 2

You can see how all three numbers work together to make the four equations.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste & Puzzles

This Raindrop Multiplication & Division Works on learning math facts with two piece puzzles and cut and paste worksheets for kids.

Raindrop Division Printables

Each of these spring division printables works on division with numbers from 1 to 12.

Raindrop Division Puzzles & Mats

You have a two division piece puzzle set, a division puzzle mat for matching the equations to the quotient and matching the quotient to the division equations.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

Raindrop Division Cut & Paste Worksheet

You have a division worksheet for each number from 1 to 12. You have 12 problems on the page and 12 matching raindrop with the answers.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

Raindrop Multiplication Printables

Each of these spring multiplication printables works on division with numbers from 1 to 12.

Raindrop Multiplication Puzzles & Mats

You have a two multiplication piece puzzle set, a multiplication puzzle mat for matching the equations to the product. And matching the product to the multiplication equations.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

Raindrop Multiplication Cut & Paste Worksheet

You have a multiplication worksheet for each number from 1 to 12. You have 12 problems on the page and 12 matching raindrops with the answers.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

You can grab the Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching, PLUS a matching Math Fact center in my store for $4 for all 100 pages of printables.

Things to use with the Raindrop Multiplication & Division Printable

We have included links to some of the products and resources we have used with this activity. If you purchase via the links we may earn a small commission.

Ways to Use the Raindrop Multiplication & Division Printables

You shall see a few different ways to use the multiplication and division printables. Each set has the same puzzles and cut and paste that you can use.

Matching the Two Puzzles Pieces

Each set has a two piece puzzle set. You can see how simple they are to match below. You are matching the top answer with the bottom equation.

Each puzzle has the same raindrop so it can be fun finding the correct matches. You can do all the matching puzzles for either multiplication or division. Or you can start out with just those you are working on.

You can see four of the division by 6 below.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

Matching the Top of the Puzzle Mat

You can see the answer at the top of the puzzle. You have to match the correct equation to the answer.

You can keep the puzzle together as seen above. You can also cut out the the puzzle mat and just keep the two pieces together to help with the matching.

Easy to use with kids for center and is more fun that just flashcards.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

Matching the Bottom of the Puzzle Mat

You can see the equation at the bottom, and then you match the top with the correct answer. This is another way to work on work on math facts.

The sets have division and multiplication mats for each number 1 to 12. And these can replace flashcards in learning centers. They might also be fun for a at home review game.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

Make File Fold Matching Game

You can use these multiplication and division puzzles to make a file folder matching game. You can print out the three pages for each number.

Then cut the puzzles full puzzle, then cut out the other puzzle mats with the missing parts leaving the for the top and bottom pages together.

Glue the puzzles with the missing parts into the folder in random order around the folder. Then you can use Velcro dots for the matching area. Then you have a matching game for kids. You can do just the top or bottom. But you could also do it mixed up as well.

Doing the Cut & Paste Worksheet

You have cut and paste worksheets for both mutlipdation and division. On each right hand side is the raindrop. And the equations on the left hand side of the paper.

You can have kids solve the equations in the center. They can even write the answers there as well. Then cut and paste the correct answers. These are fun for homework or learning centers.

And they are also fun to color.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

Multiplication & Division Math Fact Center

This rain multiplication and division math fact center is only in the bundle. You have raindrop number cards from 1 to 12 and umbrellas with all the answers from 1 to 144. There is a multiplication and division math fact mat and a recording sheet as well.

You can see the math fact set below. You can pull an umbrella and find the matching numbers to make the mutlipdation and division facts.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

There is also a recording sheet you can use. Kids can write the numbers on the raindrop and the answer on the umbrella. Then you can write out the math facts for those numbers.

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste & Puzzle Bundle

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste & Puzzle Bundle has all the puzzles, mats, and math fact centers together for a fun learning center for Christmas. And works great for a spring math printable!

Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division and multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and match puzzles and matching mats for division and multiplication - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Raindrop Multiplication & Division Cut & Paste & Puzzle Bundle

  • Matching Puzzles for Multiplication and Division for numbers 1 to 12
  • Both pieces top missing and bottom missing
  • Raindrop Cut & Paste Worksheets for numbers 1 to 12
  • BONUS: Multiplication & Division Raindrop Math Facts with math fact sheet, a worksheet, and math fact matching cards – Only in the selling bundle
  • 100 pages
  • Price: $4

Raindrop Multiplication Cut & Paste & Puzzles

You have a set of just multiplication facts with cut and paste worksheets, matching puzzles, and puzzle mats. You can work on multiplication from 1 to 12.

Raindrop Multiplication Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for multiplication with numbers 1 to 12 and puzzles and matching mats  - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Raindrop Multiplication Cut & Paste & Puzzles Printables

  • Multiplication matching puzzles for numbers 1 to 12
  • 1 Number set on each page
  • Matching multiplication equation with answer
  • Puzzles with the top missing for a matching game.
  • Puzzles with the bottom missing for a matching game.
  • Recording answer sheet printable for the puzzles
  • Easy no-prep Raindrop multiplication printables
  • Multiplication from 1 to 12
  • Cut and paste raindrop that match equations
  • 49 pages
  • Price: $3

Raindrop Division Cut & Paste & Puzzles

You have a set of just division facts with cut and paste worksheets, matching puzzles, and puzzle mats. You can work on division from 1 to 12.

Raindrop Division Cut & Paste and Matching with cut and paste worksheets for division with numbers 1 to 12 and puzzles and matching mats  - 3Dinosaurs.com

What you will find in the Raindrop Division Cut & Paste & Puzzles Printables

  • Division matching puzzles for numbers 1 to 12
  • 1 Number set on each page
  • Matching division equation with answer
  • Puzzles with the top missing for a matching game.
  • Puzzles with the bottom missing for a matching game.
  • Recording answer sheet printable for the puzzles
  • Easy no-prep Raindrop- division printables
  • Division from 1 to 12
  • Cut and paste raindrop that match equations
  • 38 pages
  • Price: $3

More Spring Math Printables

Spring Themed Multiplication & Division Set that has a fun spring and flower theme to it. This is great for learning and reviewing multiplication and division for third grade and fourth grade.

Spring No-Prep Math Multiplication & Division has 30 pages for each set with no-prep pages and the roll and graph pages for each. The Division and multiplication pages have a mix of multiplication and division plus they are no-prep so just print and use. These are great for third grade and fourth grade.

Flower Skip Counting Finds are perfect for a flower theme. You fill in the skip counting numbers at the top and then find them below.

Flower Division Playdough Mat Printables has 144 playdough mats for working on division from 1 to 12 with a fun hands-on way to build the flowers.

Easy To Use Spring Themed Multiplication Array Cards is a great way to look at multiplication and writing math sentences. Easy spring printables for third grade and fourth grade.

Check out all the fun Spring Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Spring Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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