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Spring Themed Number Color & Trace Printables

Spring will be here before you know it! I can’t believe how fast the seasons are sneaking right on by! Today start s new spring bundle with the number color and trace.

I love these number printables because they can be so flexible in how you use them. Plus having seasonal changes can help those kids that might not want to work on something. I’m always adding themes each season that people have asked for.

These are a great addition to the spring printables on the site.

No-Prep Spring Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with five fun spring themes 44 pages for each set with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #springprintables #numbersforkids

The new Spring Bundle is just starting out with 5 new sets. It has some fun spring themes: general spring, rain, ducks, butterflies, and birds. This is the start of the growing bundle for spring. Many more themes will be added all springtime long!

There are two sets of these number coloring and tracing printable. The first set has a number to color and objects that count up to that number. They have number and number word to trace. The second set has the numbers that you write in.

The first set is perfect for those in PreK and Kindergarten because they can work on the number formation of the digit and word together. You can see that there are numbers to color and matching objects for the number. You can see the page below has number 4 and a boy with an umbrella and four raindrops.

No-Prep Spring Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with five fun spring themes 44 pages for each set with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #springprintables #numbersforkids

The second set is ideal for those in late kindergarten and early first grade to work on writing their numbers. It has the same numbers that match up to the coloring and writing. You can see the number 11 and 11 birds in nests.

No-Prep Spring Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with five fun spring themes 44 pages for each set with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #springprintables #numbersforkids

I like how flexible the sets are. You can work on the numbers with different groups of kids together. And you can change up the worksheets as the kid’s progress. These also make great number books.

Spring Number Color and Trace Bundle

The Spring Number Color and Trace Bundle have general spring themes, ducks, rain, butterflies, and birds. It has numbers 0 to 20.

No-Prep Spring Number Color and Trace Bundle - easy no-prep printables with a fun spring themes 220 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable  #springprintables  #numbersforkids

What you will find in these printables:

  • General spring, rain, ducks, butterflies, birds, jellybeans, bunnies, and Easter – with more to come
  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers for each theme
  • 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers for each theme
  • $22 for all 704 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

Spring Number Color and Trace

This Spring themed number color and trace set has a general spring theme with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.

No-Prep Spring Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with a fun spring theme 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #springprintables #numbersforkids

What you will find in these printables:

  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
  • 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
  • $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

Rain Number Color and Trace

The rain number color and trace set has a boy with umbrell and rain with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.

No-Prep Rain Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with a fun rain theme 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable #springprintables #numbersforkids

What you will find in the Rain Themed Number Color and Trace printables:

  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
  • 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
  • $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

Bird Themed Number Color and Trace

This Bird themed number color and trace set has a birds in a nest with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.

No-Prep Bird Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with a fun bird theme 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable  #numbersforkids

What you will find in these printables:

  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
  • 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
  • $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

Duck Themed Number Color and Trace

This Duck themed number color and trace set has ducks on a pond with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.

No-Prep Duck Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with a fun duck theme 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable  #numbersforkids

What you will find in these printables:

  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
  • 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
  • $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

Butterfly Themed Number Color and Trace

This Butterfly themed number color and trace set has a girl with butterflies with coloring and tracing or writing. It has numbers 0 to 20.

No-Prep Butterfly Themed Number Color and Trace - easy no-prep printables with a fun butterfly theme 44 pages with two options for the numbers tracing or writing $ - 3Dinosaurs.com #noprepprintable  #numbersforkids

What you will find in these printables:

  • 21 pages of coloring and tracing numbers
  • 21 pages of coloring with writing numbers
  • $3.50 for all 44 pages of printables

If you want to check out a free sample of this you can go here to check out a sample of the page.

Check out all the fun Spring Printables & Activities on 3 Dinosaurs.

Spring Activities & Printables on 3Dinosaurs.com

Cassie – 3Dinosaurs.com

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